Man snoozing at work, one of the ways insomnia affects the workplace.

How Insomnia Affects the Workplace

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being. You may not realize how badly your lack of sleep is affecting the activities you do during the day. If you are having trouble going to bed at night, you won’t be very productive at work. This … Read more

woman stressed

How Working Too Much Impairs Sleep

Sleep is an integral component to your overall well-being. It is recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night. This can be difficult with the stressors that come with daily life, including work stress. Working too much can definitely impact your sleep which can … Read more

woman on couch relaxing

How Breathing Techniques Can Help You Sleep

It is recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night. With a busy lifestyle, family, career, and other external factors, there are a wide variety of reasons you may not be getting the recommended dose of sleep. If you aren’t able to get adequate … Read more

woman underneath white blanket

Why Insomnia Is Worse in Winter

Winters can be long, cold, and inconvenient. Animals like to hide from the season by hibernating or staying below ground. People, on the other hand, feel more restless. It can be hard to figure out why insomnia is worse in winter for a lot of folks. Here’s what your insomnia … Read more

young girl sleeping

How Do Blankets Affect Your Sleep?

How do blankets affect your sleep? On a cold winter’s night, there is no better feeling than climbing into bed and wrapping yourself up in cozy blankets. Blankets are a source of comfort for many people, but they also serve an important biological function by helping us to maintain our … Read more

woman and alarm clock

Do Genetics Affect Sleep?

Sleep is necessary and vital for so many daily functions. But do genetics affect sleep? Quality sleep can help you with feeling more alert during the day, your energy levels, and just feeling rested and ready for the day. However, poor quality sleep or insomnia can cause issues with mental … Read more

alarm clock with man

Is My Medication Causing Insomnia?

There are few things more frustrating than lying down in bed after a long day to find that you simply can’t sleep. You mentally run through your day, trying to find a cause. Did you drink coffee too late in the day? Were you on your cellphone in the hour … Read more

woman on bed trying to sleep

Foods that Prevent Sleep

It is recommended that adults get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Depending on your career, schedule, and family life, this may be highly difficult. However, no matter how many hours of sleep you get, it should be quality sleep. While it’s well known that preparing … Read more

man awake in bed lying down

What Are the Different Types of Insomnia?

If you can’t sleep at night, you know how exhausting it is to be constantly tired. You can’t get any sleep. Therefore you don’t have enough energy throughout your day to accomplish everything you truly want to get done. Obtaining a diagnosis is critical to your long-term (and short-term) health. … Read more

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