Do Genetics Affect Sleep?

Sleep is necessary and vital for so many daily functions. But do genetics affect sleep? Quality sleep can help you with feeling more alert during the day, your energy levels, and just feeling rested and ready for the day. However, poor quality sleep or insomnia can cause issues with mental health, lead you to overeat, and has even been led to weight gain.

The average adult should sleep between 7 to 9 hours each night. However, some people struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, and manage to get good quality sleep. Research has shown that there is a link between genetics and the effect it has on your sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, try the best sleep apnea treatment New York has around.

Do Genetics Affect Sleep?

Studies have shown that a person’s genetics can influence their sleep habits. It has even shown that a person’s genetics can likely indicate whether they will be an early riser or a night owl. This genetic influence can set your internal clock and impact your sleep. Your internal clock is called a circadian rhythm. This is a natural and internal process that regulates your cycle of sleep. This repeats every 24 hours and can impact your overall health.

Healthy Sleep Habits

While genetics do play a role in your sleep cycle, certain habits can also help you get to sleep and stay asleep. Before you head to the fridge to get a midnight snack, try these doctor-approved ways to get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer.


Sleep meditation can help you fall asleep. There are several apps that you can download and use to help you with relaxation. You can also opt for a bedtime story as the apps also offer stories that are meant to relax you. If you are new to meditation, try a short 10-minute option to see how it works for you.


Remove your screens at least an hour before bed. Find a restful nighttime hobby that will help relax your mind and body. It could be reading, knitting, crocheting, taking a bath, guided relaxation meditation, or even journaling. Find what works you and stick to avoiding screens for at least an hour each night before bedtime.


Setting your body up for success with sleep can be difficult, and it requires discipline. Set your bedtime and wake time and stick to it. If you want to be asleep by 10:00 p.m., set alarms to remind you to go to bed. If you want to be asleep by 10:00 p.m., set an alarm for an hour earlier and get into bed. Then one hour before that, be sure to have turned off all of your screens. Try to set your sleep period for at least 7 to 9 hours.

Sleep Disorder Treatment

If you have tried everything and still struggle with sleep, it’s time to see a sleep specialist. Sleep disorders are becoming more and more common, and they can negatively impact your life. This is especially true if you have family members who also struggle with sleep. Getting sleep disorder treatment can change your life for the better as a specialist will address your issues and provide you with options that are right for you.

Sleep Apnea Treatment New York

Poor sleep can impact all areas of your life. If you are struggling with sleep and want to discuss treatment options, contact Sleep Doctor MD. They can provide support and solutions for whatever sleep issue you may be experiencing. Dr. Mayan Shukla is a sleep doctor with over fifteen years of experience working with patients who have struggled with sleep. Dr. Shukla is focused on getting his patients back to their full potential and getting a good night’s rest. If you are experiencing issues with sleep, schedule an appointment with Dr. Shukla and his team!

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