Impact of Pollution on Sleep Health

There are so many things that can affect the way you sleep. An uncomfortable mattress, hot temperatures, and physical aches can all put a damper on your sleeping schedule. But did you know that pollution has a huge impact on sleep health as well? We go into the details of the impact of pollution on sleep health below.

Impact of Pollution on Sleep Health

Your local sleep apnea treatment Manhattan specialists want you to know more about how pollution is a silent assailant, and how different types of pollution may be severely impacting the health of your sleep.

All That Noise

You may not realize it, but by living in a populated area, you deal with constant noise on a daily basis. Some of these sounds become so familiar to us that we don’t consciously notice them, such as the sound of cars driving by on the street or a plane flying overhead. But all that noise can really take its toll on your brain as it continuously processes sounds.

That doesn’t mean that noise always has a negative impact on your brain. For people with tinnitus, having soothing noises around can actually improve the quality of sleep. A lot of people have an easier time getting sleepy when they are listening to ambient sounds of waves, rain, crickets, or trains.

It’s in the Air

Air pollution is an incredibly impactful form of pollution in our modern world. As our societies advance and progress towards greater technological feats, we are making up for it with polluted air and clogged vents. Pollution has made its way into the average home, and people prone to breathing issues are having an even more difficult time getting some well-deserved shuteye.

But what you might not know is that pollution in our own internal environments can be so much worse than what’s outside. According to, the pollution in the indoor environment is ten times worse than outdoor pollution.

What makes indoor pollution so dangerous? Dust, particles, old air, and even plastics can emit pollution. This is the air that you breathe every night when you sleep, so focusing on cleaning your indoor air should be a top priority.

It’s no wonder that there is a link between poor air quality and an increase in sleep apnea patients. Living in an unclean air situation can only exacerbate existing sleep apnea symptoms.

Turn Off the Lights

Just as bad as noise and air pollution is light pollution. You may not consider that lights can cause pollution, but all of that electricity really does impact our planet – and on your sleep schedule.

Having lights on at night, for example, can increase symptoms of insomnia. Too much exposure to light can actually reduce the amount of melatonin produced by your body. Melatonin is the hormone needed to help your body feel sleepy and fall into its natural sleeping rhythms.

Light is the biggest disruptor of a good sleep schedule. Everyone knows that turning off the lights before you go to sleep can help you get into a bedtime mood, but you may also want to start shutting down your smartphone at least 30 minutes before you close your eyes.

Improve Your Sleep Schedule ASAP

By getting rid of the pollution that bogs down your everyday life, you can start to take your sleep schedule back into your own hands. Many types of pollution, from light and noise pollution to the pollution of your indoor air quality, can have drastic effects on your ability to maintain regular sleep patterns. This can lead to increased symptoms of sleep apnea, insomnia, or asthma.

It is not possible to live a full and happy life when you are not getting enough sleep. Get in touch with the best sleep apnea treatment Brooklyn has to offer and make an appointment with Dr. Shukla today.

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