The image shows a teen in a dark room on their phone as the featured image for "At What Age Does Insomnia Develop?"

At What Age Does Insomnia Develop?

Quality sleep is a vital part of your overall well-being. Issues with sleep can cause severe issues with your physical and mental health. Good sleep is determined by both the quality and quantity of sleep. Adults should get between 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Without this, … Read more

The image shows a man snoring at night to explain the age snoring will often begin.

At What Age Does Snoring Begin?

Snoring needs no introduction, as almost everyone is familiar with this phenomenon at some level. A bad snorer can interrupt regular, healthy sleep cycles for themselves and the individuals they share a bed with, resulting in a deprivation of the quality of life for all parties. Given that snoring involves aspects … Read more

The image shows a man struggling to sleep in the late hours of the night to show how sleep disorders affect daily life

How Sleep Disorders Affect Daily Life

Sleep is a critical part of your overall health. Without proper sleep, it can impact your mental and physical well-being. Adults should get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night for optimal health. The quality of your sleep is also essential. A night of poor sleep here and … Read more

The image displays an African American woman lying in bed with trouble sleeping to show the most common sleep disorders.

Most Common Sleep Disorders

Sleep is an essential factor in people’s general health and well-being. In fact, your brain performance, mood and anxiety levels, risk for breast cancer, stroke, and diabetes are greatly affected by your sleeping habits. Unfortunately, many people do not get the right amount of sleep every night because of various … Read more

concept for what causes sleep apnea

What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is an unfortunate condition that can cause severe disruptions to an individual’s normal regulated sleep cycle. For this reason, it’s considered paramount to try to deal with this condition before it interferes with daily life. But what causes sleep apnea? During sleep apnea, an individual’s breathing repeatedly stops … Read more

Image of a man lying in bed struggling with insomnia. The image represents how lifestyle choices contribute to insomnia.

How Do Lifestyle Choices Contribute to Insomnia

Insomnia can be a debilitating condition that takes a severe toll on one’s health over time. For this reason, attempting to curb this issue is paramount to ensuring a patient’s long-term health. Given this, it is important to recognize the lifestyle choices that one might be making that can contribute … Read more

concept for article does melatonin really help with sleep problems

Does Melatonin Really Help with Sleep Problems?

mAlsMelatonin is one of the country’s most popular sleep aids, with millions of people ingesting it right before bed time to assist them with their sleep cycles. However, the efficacy of this substance varies greatly from person to person. So does melatonin really help with sleep problems? In fact, melatonin … Read more

The image depicts a snoring man sleeping with apnea and sleepless woman lying awake in bed next to him. the image represents how snoring affects your relationships.

What to Do When Snoring Affects Your Relationships

Snoring is most often thought of as a personal problem. Unfortunately, there are times when the issue transcends the snorer and becomes an issue for the people around them as well. When snoring begins to impact your loved ones, you may need to seek out professional aid to rectify the … Read more

The image shows a clearly sleep deprived woman lying in bed with forlorn expression on her face. It serves to visual represent how sleep deprivation impacts mental health.

How Sleep Deprivation Impacts Mental Health

Sleep is an essential part of health, so when individuals obtain inadequate amounts of sleep, their bodies and minds suffer. Though the physical detrimental effects of sleep deprivation are well documented, sleep deprivation also impacts mental health. Over time, lack of sleep will necessitate sleep deprivation treatment. If you worry … Read more

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