city with pollution

Does Pollution Make You Snore?

We all know that pollution is bad for our lungs, bad for our skin, and even bad for our hearts. It’s a complicated issue that can’t be solved overnight. In the meantime, the vast majority of Americans are breathing polluted air daily. For those in urban areas, the concentration is … Read more

sleep apnea cpap mask

Where to Get a Sleep Apnea Machine

Sleep apnea is a chronic condition where the airway becomes blocked while you sleep. There are different types of sleep apnea, and many different causes, but they all involve a lack of airflow while you sleep. Undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea cases will obviously lead to more serious conditions. It … Read more

young girl sleeping

Should You be Worried About Your Kid’s Snoring?

Snoring is a condition that occurs during sleep, where vibrations are produced in the throat due to partial clogging of air flow. Most people experience some occasional snoring, and many people suffer from more severe snoring. If you are a parent and your child has begun to snore more frequently, … Read more

man sleeping

Is Snoring Genetic?

Have you been suffering through terrible nights of sleep due to an increase of your snoring volume or intensity? You may have already tried sleep therapy and a slew of products promising to downsize your nightly snores, but if they continue to plague your sleeping habits, there may be another … Read more

man and woman on bed

Does Snoring Cause Sleep Apnea or is it the Other Way Around?

Any patient who is familiar with sleep apnea knows that snoring is one of the most prominent symptoms. Those who have a history of snoring, or whose loved one keeps them awake at night may be a candidate for a sleep apnea diagnosis. But at Sleep MD , there’s one … Read more

woman stressed

Common Sinus and Nasal Problems

If you have come down with a common cold or mild sickness, you know generally how annoying sinus and nasal illness symptoms can be. For some people, common sinus and nasal problems are a constant condition they deal with due to allergies, a deviated septum, and environmental factors based on … Read more

man and woman on bed

What Makes You Snore?

Snoring is a completely natural and common sleep occurrence that everyone experiences at some time in their life. People can either constantly snore throughout their lives, or they develop snoring symptoms while they are experience cold symptoms. No matter where you fall on the scale, all snoring is a natural … Read more

snoring child

Is Snoring Normal in Children?

The short answer is: it can be. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “many if not most children snore on occasion, and about 10% or more snore on most nights.” If you want to find out more about your child’s snoring, visit your snoring specialist in New York. What Causes … Read more

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