concept image of kids with snoring problems

Can Kids Have Snoring Problems?

Can kids have snoring problems? Yes, children can absolutely have sleeping problems related to snoring. In fact, research suggests that one in ten children snore on a regular basis with a much larger percentage snoring on occasion. As long as your child is only snoring occasionally it usually isn’t a … Read more

Illustration of man snoring and sleeping in bed

Does Snoring Make You Feel Tired?

Snoring is a common form of sleep disruption. For most people, snoring is a transient experience that doesn’t have a noticeable impact on their rest. However, there are exceptions. So, does snoring make you feel tired? Does Snoring Make You Feel Tired? If you snore loudly on a nightly basis, … Read more

Woman wondering if husband's snoring will go away on its own

Can Snoring Go Away On Its Own?

Everyone knows what snoring sounds like. Even if you don’t snore yourself, you may sleep next to someone who does. While you have probably exercised a lot of patience with your loved ones as they sleep loudly, you can’t help but wonder: Can snoring go away on its own? In … Read more

Woman worrying that her husband snoring may shorten her life.

Does Snoring Shorten Your Life?

There are two types of people: those who sleep quietly, and those who snore. While snoring does not inherently imply that you may be suffering from a severe breathing condition, it’s important that snoring sufferers stay on top of their health a bit more frequently. In some cases, snoring can … Read more

Man wondering if he snores because he is overweight.

Do I Snore Because I Am Overweight?

Snoring is more prevalent than you may think. About half of all adults snore on occasion, and about a quarter snore regularly. It can be caused by a wide variety of lifestyle choices and physiological factors. Alcohol use, congestion, and loose tissues in the throat can all result in snoring, … Read more

Woman wondering if snoring can be fatal as her partner snores in the bed.

Can Snoring Be Fatal?

If you sleep next to your partner at night and you can’t stand the sound of their loud snores, you aren’t alone. Millions of Americans experience heavy snoring each night, whether it is coming from their own nose or the sound is being made by their family member. Either way, … Read more

sleeping couple

What Makes Snoring Worse?

Everyone snores at some point in their lives. It may only happen when you have a head cold or after a night out with friends, but about one-quarter of the adult population snores regularly. Even if it doesn’t wake you, your snoring will prevent you from achieving restful sleep. If … Read more

man and woman sleeping

Snoring and Your Partner’s Mental Health

It is recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night. While this is highly difficult due to the hustle and bustle of modern-day life. This is especially true if you have a stressful career or a large family. On top of the day-to-day issues … Read more

woman can't sleep

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring is one of the most grating habits a person can have. It disturbs the snorer’s sleep, as well as their partner’s, leaving both parties feeling unrested and understandably crabby. Fortunately, we actually know quite a bit about what causes snoring. What Causes Snoring? This information, provided by decades of … Read more

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