Does Snoring Make You Feel Tired?

Snoring is a common form of sleep disruption. For most people, snoring is a transient experience that doesn’t have a noticeable impact on their rest. However, there are exceptions. So, does snoring make you feel tired?

Does Snoring Make You Feel Tired?

If you snore loudly on a nightly basis, then you are more likely to feel tired during the day. From time to time, being a little tired won’t hurt, but regular snoring can easily lead to chronic fatigue.

If you or a loved one is struggling with chronic fatigue related to snoring, you should look into snoring treatment in NYC.

Common Causes of Snoring

Snoring can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Common causes include:

  • Allergies
  • Respiratory illness
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Obesity
  • Obstructive sleep apnea

The first three causes are easily fixable and temporary. Allergies can be stubborn, but installing a HEPA air filter and regularly washing your bedding can greatly improve your sleep quality.

The last two common causes of snoring tend to go hand in hand. Obstructive sleep apnea can occur in anyone, but excess weight in the throat region makes obstructive sleep apnea more likely. Both can be managed with medical help.

How Snoring Causes Chronic Fatigue

Snoring can seem like a relatively innocuous habit, but it’s more destructive than you think. Even if you don’t remember waking up, there’s a good chance that your sleep was repeatedly disturbed throughout the night.

Healthy sleep is organized into four-stage cycles.

  • Stage 1: Non-rapid Eye Movement (NREM) 1 takes 5-10 minutes and helps transition your body from being awake to dozing off.
  • Stage 2: NREM 2 takes about 20 minutes. This is another transitionary period. Your heart rate slows and your body temperature drops slightly.
  • Stage 3: NREM 3 is when your body finally starts to rest. Your deepest sleep occurs in this cycle.
  • Stage 4: Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is the final stage. REM is vital to learning and memory. It’s also the stage where you dream.

Every time you stir enough to emerge from deeper levels of sleep, you have to go through the process again. What feels like a momentary disruption could actually cost you a half-hour of quality sleep each time.

That adds up quickly, leading to chronic fatigue.

The Dangers of Chronic Fatigue

Our bodies need sleep to function. Just missing out on a few hours can slow your reflexes and your mental acuity. With chronic fatigue, the effects are far more severe.

Chronic fatigue can cause noticeable impairment similar to intoxication. When it becomes severe, you may fall asleep with no warning. For most people, that is a very dangerous possibility.

To prevent a serious accident from occurring you need to take your fatigue seriously. If you’re experiencing chronic fatigue, then you should contact your sleep doctor in NYC.

Treatment Options for Snoring

During your first appointment, your sleep doctor will want a detailed history of your symptoms. If your doctor deems it necessary, you will undergo a sleep study. It may seem odd, but sleep studies allow your doctor to observe the way you sleep in real-time. It’s an important diagnostic tool.

Once the cause of your snoring has been positively identified, you can discuss treatment options. In some cases, medication can be used to treat the underlying cause of your snoring.

With that said, a lot of chronic snoring is caused by physical structures. If this applies to you, then you will likely need to use a device to help you sleep through the night.

Sleep Devices and Therapies

Common devices and therapies include:

  • Mandibular advancement device
  • CPAP therapy
  • Winx therapy
  • Inspire device

You can look at different options with your doctor to determine which is best for your condition and your comfort. Once you get used to your new set-up, you will finally be able to sleep through the night and wake up well-rested.

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