Can Snoring Cause Sleep Apnea?

Anyone who has ever suffered from sleep apnea will know that snoring can be a prominent symptom. A sleep apnea diagnosis may be possible for those who snore or have loved ones who snore. Your trusted sleep doctor in NYC asks the same question as many of our patients: Can snoring cause sleep apnea? Or, does sleep apnea cause snoring?

Can Snoring Cause Sleep Apnea?

This may seem like a classic chicken and egg question, but thankfully there is a more definite answer. Let’s look at the medical information about sleep apnea. One condition may be the symptom of another. However, it does not necessarily mean they are the cause. This is what snoring actually means and whether it can be a sign you have a dangerous sleeping disorder.

The Different Types of Snoring

Snoring may indicate that you have OSA (Obstructive sleep apnea), but it does not necessarily mean that every sign of snoring is indicative of this condition. You can tell the difference between regular snoring or sleep apnea snoring by its sound and whether it is accompanied by other symptoms.

Sleep apnea can cause snoring sounds more like you are choking or gasping for air. OSA can cause obstructions in the breathing passages, which makes it difficult to breathe while you sleep. Sometimes, the sleeper may stop breathing completely for a few seconds between snores. This is an extremely dangerous sign of OSA and should be treated as such. Get in touch with your doctor if you are worried that this may be happening to you at night.

What Causes Snoring?

Everyone knows what snoring sounds like, but why exactly does snoring happen in the first place? When oxygen is unable to flow freely through your airway during sleep, it causes a blockage to your brain. This type of blockage causes the tissues in the upper airway to vibrate, which can reverberate very loudly. This is what causes the snoring sound. Consistent snoring can be caused by a blocked or chronically narrowed airway.

Other causes of snoring include age, body type, nasal congestion, smoking, and sleeping in a particular sleeping position. These are not alarming by themselves, but together they can be an indicator of a sleeping disorder like sleep apnea if they occur at the same time and on a frequent basis.

Clear Signs of Sleep Apnea

You should not think that your snoring is the cause of your sleep apnea. You should also be aware that other symptoms can accompany sleep apnea. Although you might not be able to diagnose OSA by snoring alone, you might want to contact your doctor if you snore and exhibit the following traits:

  • You should not sleep with your mouth closed
  • You are gasping for air at night.
  • Perpetual grogginess throughout each day
  • Trouble breathing
  • Loud breathing

You may be diagnosed with primary sleep apnea, which is classified as a serious sleeping condition. The inability to breathe at night is not only destructive to your sleep patterns but can have serious implications on your brain and heart health.

Get the Best Sleep Apnea Care Today!

Talking to a New York sleep apnea specialist is a good idea. Our friendly team of specialists can help you determine the best next steps for your diagnosis and treatment. It is possible to be asked to take part in a sleep study or to invest in other procedures that may help to relieve your sleep apnea symptoms.

It is important to get an evaluation of your symptoms immediately. You can start living a healthier lifestyle if you get diagnosed as soon as possible, as health problems are more difficult to diagnose later in life. Contact us today to learn more about our innovative solutions for sleep apnea treatment in New York City and find out how a personalized treatment plan can save your sleep health.

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