Woman lying in bed with stress and sleep apnea.

Can Stress Cause Sleep Apnea?

Stress and sleeping disorders often go hand in hand. The burdens that you bear throughout the day can affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep, contributing to more serious health issues down the line. It’s no secret that stress and worry can lead to nights of restlessness and … Read more

woman wearing mask and stressed

Sleep Apnea and Covid-19

Whether we like it or not, the pandemic has been at the forefront of our minds for nearly a year. Frustrations over economic losses and depression due to isolation are commonplace. Yet, the most distinctive trend in the national consciousness is pervasive anxiety that we simply can’t seem to shake. … Read more

woman can't sleep

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring is one of the most grating habits a person can have. It disturbs the snorer’s sleep, as well as their partner’s, leaving both parties feeling unrested and understandably crabby. Fortunately, we actually know quite a bit about what causes snoring. What Causes Snoring? This information, provided by decades of … Read more

woman sleeping in white pjs

Impact of Pollution on Sleep Health

There are so many things that can affect the way you sleep. An uncomfortable mattress, hot temperatures, and physical aches can all put a damper on your sleeping schedule. But did you know that pollution has a huge impact on sleep health as well? We go into the details of … Read more

little girl awake in bed

Does Your Child Have Sleep Apnea?

As a parent, it is natural to want to give your child every advantage in life. You want them to grow up happy and healthy, but that goal comes with complications. If you’ve noticed your little one seems more tired than usual, is falling behind academically, or even shows signs … Read more

woman sleeping

How to Get Over a Fear of Sleeping Alone

The internet is full of studies arguing for the benefits of couples sleeping together. However, what they tend to ignore is that there are also costs. Anyone kept awake by a snoring partner or one who tosses and turns can attest to the fact that sleeping with a loved one … Read more

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When Does Sleep Apnea Typically Start?

Trust your sleep doctor in Manhattan, sleep issues can start from birth. The way you take care of yourself and your sleep schedule can really determine how many symptoms you have from there. One of the most common sleep conditions that our patients deal with at Sleep MD is sleep … Read more

man sleeping

How to Stop Snoring

Have you been suffering from snoring complications when you sleep? Any amount of snoring that interrupts your sleep or your partner’s sleep can cause health problems and make your daily life more difficult. Because your body uses sleep as a method to rest, recover and rejuvenate for the next day, … Read more

man and woman on bed

Does Snoring Cause Sleep Apnea or is it the Other Way Around?

Any patient who is familiar with sleep apnea knows that snoring is one of the most prominent symptoms. Those who have a history of snoring, or whose loved one keeps them awake at night may be a candidate for a sleep apnea diagnosis. But at Sleep MD , there’s one … Read more

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