Can Stress Cause Sleep Apnea?

Stress and sleeping disorders often go hand in hand. The burdens that you bear throughout the day can affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep, contributing to more serious health issues down the line. It’s no secret that stress and worry can lead to nights of restlessness and fear. But can stress cause sleep apnea as well?

Can Stress Cause Sleep Apnea?

Your local sleep doctor in NYC can help you figure out whether or not you are dealing with sleep apnea as a result of stress. Read more about the connection between these two conditions and the best treatment options available to you.

Stress and Sleep

There are so many sources of stress in life that can cause you to struggle with sleep. Stress affects your basic health, from your ability to stay focused at work to your capacity for spending energy throughout the day. Stress can sap you of your motivation, making you feel like you don’t have the energy to do anything. This can even make it difficult for your body to go to sleep. Some stress is healthy, as it keeps us alert and aware of our goals. Too much can overwhelm the body and disrupt life’s daily patterns.

This explains why stress affects sleep patterns, but what about OSA specifically? What are some of the connections between stress and sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea?

The Sleep Apnea Connection

Obstructive sleep apnea is mostly based on physical and biological factors such as family history, excess weight, and reduced airways. But stress and anxiety can also play a part in the development of OSA as well. It is possible that too much stress, anxiety, or symptoms of PTSD can cause someone to develop a type of sleep apnea. There are also other types of sleep apnea to be aware of.

Central sleep apnea is more closely related to the nervous system than obstructive sleep apnea, which is indicative of blocked airways. CSA may be triggered more often by symptoms of stress and worry as it pays a heavier toll on the nervous system.

Best Sleep Apnea Treatments

A diagnosis of sleep apnea may be a scary thing at first, but rest assured that there are several effective treatment solutions available. When you know your diagnosis, you will be able to sleep better at night – literally! Several different treatment options have been designed to provide you comfort while helping you get your sleep schedule back on track.

Stress Reduction

If you are constantly worried, you may need a lifestyle change. Your doctor will recommend that you get involved with exercise, nutrition, and relaxation exercises to help you feel less stressed at the end of the day. Practice these changes along with any sleep apnea treatments your doctor has prescribed to you.

Winx Treatment

The most effective and progressive option for you is Winx sleep apnea treatment, which consists of a small and quiet machine. You’ll place a breathing tube over your mouth when you sleep, and the machine will provide you with air so you can breathe without any internal or external interruptions. Winx is currently the most non-invasive sleep apnea treatment available that can help you sleep so much better at night.

Increase Sleep and Decrease Stress Starting Now!

Don’t let stress take over your life. You need a regular sleep schedule to stay healthy and alert throughout the day. Get your life back on track and speak with a sleep specialist about how stress may be affecting the way you rest at night. A sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment is imperative to your better health and well-being. If you are too stressed out to sleep, get in touch with our sleep doctor today!

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