How to Stop Snoring

Have you been suffering from snoring complications when you sleep? Any amount of snoring that interrupts your sleep or your partner’s sleep can cause health problems and make your daily life more difficult. Because your body uses sleep as a method to rest, recover and rejuvenate for the next day, interruptions in this process can lead to an increase of various symptoms such as irritability, dehydration, and weight gain. Find out how to help your body stop snoring with our guide to getting quality sleep and schedule an appointment to see the best sleep doctor in Manhattan when you contact Dr. Shukla now!

What is Making You Snore?

There could be a variety of reasons that you are snoring, and some of the most common are your age, physical fitness level, certain medications, if you drink or smoke regularly, and if you have sinus problems that create nasal vibrations. While aging is a symptom that cannot be altered through a lifestyle change, most other symptoms are able to be identified and modified in the pursuit of a restful night’s sleep. If you can easily identify which major attribute is leading to your snoring symptoms, try to alter that behavior for at least two weeks to see if it improves your sleeping habits overall. If you have tried to change every major, natural snoring cause and you find that you’re still experiencing nights of intense snoring behaviors, contact a professional sleep doctor in Manhattan, such as Dr. Shukla, to get quality, in-depth look into what may be causing your snoring and what steps you could take to fix it.

How Can You Change Your Snoring Habits?

Having a snoring problem during sleep may sound minor, but it can lead to many major health consequences, and it can cause problems if your partner begins to suffer from your habits as well. In order to improve your sleeping process, there are some methods you can try on your own before going in to see a sleep doctor in Manhattan. One way to help you improve overall snoring habits is to adjust your sleeping position. When your head and neck are laid flat, your throat is more closed off, and your sinuses can become blocked, which leads to loud snores. To improve your sleeping position, elevate your head on one or two pillows to create a more accessible airway during your rest. This allows breaths to flow more freely, leading to less snoring vibrations. You can also position your pillows around you to help stop you from sleeping on your back or stomach. Sleeping on your side can improve your airway and lessen the chance of your nasal passages clogging during sleep.

If your snoring occurs mostly when you are sick or have even a mild sinus infection, you can invest in health devices that help clear your nasal passages like nasal spray, or a neti pot. You can also invest in a sleep mouth guard that would enable your airway to stay open throughout the night and discourage snoring completely. If you tend to get nasal infections often, adding a humidifier to your room may improve your snoring symptoms, as the extra moisture in the air will lessen the irritation that builds up in your airway when the air around you is too dry. Adding these extra habits and helpful devices can be the solution you have been searching for to accomplish a great night’s sleep and wake up every day feeling refreshed.

What if Those Changes Still Don’t Work?

If you have tried all these habits and nothing is working for you, it may be time to call a sleep doctor in Manhattan. Contact Dr. Shukla at Sleep MD now to schedule your initial sleep consultation appointment and start your journey to a better night’s sleep now!

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