concept of illnesses that can cause insomnia

Illnesses That Can Cause Insomnia

Sleep is critically important for your mental and physical health. It is recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night. The quality of your sleep is also important. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make sleep difficult. It can impact your ability … Read more

concept of bad sleep habits

Avoid These Bad Sleep Habits

Are you having trouble falling asleep at night? Do you wake up groggy and tossing from the thoughts and distractions? Do you feel tired, unrested, and irritable each day? You might have developed a few bad habits that prevent your body from fully entering sleep mode at night. And if … Read more

concept of sleep apnea as a common condition

Is Sleep Apnea a Common Condition?

Sleep apnea, a medical condition that causes short periods of severe respiratory blockage at night during sleep, is well-known amongst dentists and doctors alike. Sleep apnea can be a problem if you or your partner have difficulty breathing at night, skip breaths, or snore excessively. To help you fall asleep … Read more

concept of ways to improve sleep apnea treatment results

Ways to Improve Sleep Apnea Treatment Results

Lack of sleep can cause problems in your mental and physical health. Recent research has shown that sleep apnea can affect your mood and cause other mental health symptoms, which ultimately leads to a drastic decrease in your overall health. Let’s see some ways to improve sleep apnea treatment results. … Read more

concept of can teens have RLS

Can Teens Have RLS?

Restless legs syndrome (“RLS”) is a sleep disorder that often impacts people at night. The disorder involves uncomfortable leg sensations that create an uncontrollable urge to move right away. You may wonder, can teens have RLS? Below you will find the common symptoms of the condition to determine if your … Read more

concept of child sleep apnea be treated

Can Child Sleep Apnea Be Treated?

Children can have different health problems while sleeping, just like adults. Sleep apnea is a condition that causes your child to have difficulty breathing while they sleep. Sleep apnea can be accompanied by other symptoms, and may also have other causes. Dr. Shukla, a top-rated sleep doctor in NYC, can … Read more

concept of partner with sleep apnea

Does My Partner Have Sleep Apnea?

Over 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (the most common type of sleep apnea) is the most serious. This condition can lead to severe complications if it is not treated or diagnosed early. Common symptoms include snoring, restlessness, and general fatigue during the day. If you … Read more

concept of children having narcolepsy

Can Children Have Narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy is a disorder that impacts the brain’s ability to control sleep and wakefulness. It is a neurological disorder that requires medical intervention. The condition often goes undiagnosed, but it is estimated that roughly 200,000 Americans have the condition. You may wonder, can children have narcolepsy? Below you will find … Read more

concept of link between snoring and age

Is There a Link Between Age and Snoring?

Lots of people snore. Old and young people alike are susceptible to the unmistakably loud breathing patterns that happen during sleep when nasal pathways are obstructed. But what causes this type of snoring, exactly? Is it something that just older folks have to deal with, and is there a link … Read more

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