How Snoring Is More than Just Noise

Snoring is extremely common as more than 90 million people in the United States do it. It is estimated that 45% of adults snore occasionally, while 25% are habitual snorers. While the condition is more common among adults, people of any age can snore. While your partner may complain that you keep them up all night, snoring can be a cause for concern. Below you will find how snoring is more than just noise.

How Snoring Is More than Just Noise

Snoring can disrupt the sleep of those around you. This may lead to you sleeping in another room or your partner having to wear earplugs. While these may fix your partner’s ability to sleep, snoring is more than just a sound disruption. In fact, snoring is caused by a partial obstruction of your airways. This impacts the airflow which can cause vibrations in your soft palate, nose, tongue, and throat. These are all integral components of your airways. The vibrations can cause the snoring sound.

While snoring is most often characterized by the sound, there are serious health implications for those who snore. Because snoring obstructs the airways, people who snore suffer from oxygen deprivation. This can impact your sleep, in addition to other issues.

Health Impacts of Snoring

Addressing snoring is important as there are a number of harmful health conditions associated with the issue.

Sleep Apnea:

Sleep apnea is characterized by complete closure of the airways. When the airways completely close your body can be seriously impacted. This is because your body experiences acute oxygen deprivation which can lead to damage to your heart, brain, and other important bodily systems. Sleep apnea can also result in high blood pressure. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that should be addressed immediately as it can have fatal consequences.

Heart Problems:

Snoring can cause damage to your blood vessels. The vibrations that occur when you snore impact the blood vessels by causing tiny injuries that lead to scarring and hardening of the arteries. The hardening of the arteries, also referred to as “atherosclerosis,” can also increase your risk for a stroke.

Fatigue and Cognitive Issues:

Snoring can impact the quality and quantity of sleep you get. It is recommended that adults get at least 7 to 9 quality hours of sleep each night. Snoring can severely diminish your sleep which can leave you feeling fatigued all day. In addition to feeling tired, you may notice cognitive issues as well. Many people who snore find it difficult to concentrate and often have issues with their memory.

Signs You May Snore

People who snore are often informed by their partner. However, those who sleep alone may not know that they snore. Consider the following common signs and symptoms that you snore. If any of the following apply to you, contact a sleep specialist for support.

  • Fatigue
  • Issues with concentration and memory
  • Mood changes
  • Dry mouth
  • Sore throat
  • Interrupted breathing while you sleep

Snoring Treatment in NYC

The risks associated with snoring can be problematic and impact your daily life. It’s important to seek snoring treatment in NYC to address the issue. Depending on the severity of your snoring, in addition to a number of other factors, treatment may vary. The first step in determining what treatment option is right for you is setting up a consultation with a sleep specialist in NYC.

The consultation involves an assessment of your current health, medical history, and what symptoms you currently have. Sometimes a sleep test is necessary to evaluate your symptoms. A treatment plan will be created based on your unique healthcare needs. The team at Sleep MD are skilled in addressing snoring and other sleep-related issues. Contact their team today to schedule a consultation!

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