concept of lack of sleep causing headaches

Can Lack of Sleep Cause Headaches?

It is no secret that a good night’s sleep is vital to feeling good and doing all the things you want to do daily. Some days are rougher than others, and there may be times when we don’t get as much sleep as we would like to. You might start … Read more

concept image of how lack of sleep affects weight

How Lack of Sleep Affects Weight

Sleep apnea is a condition that can cause you to have difficulty sleeping at night or irregular breathing patterns that prevent you from sleeping comfortably. Sudden weight gain is one of the most common symptoms and correlates with this sleep disorder. While your lack of sleep may not be a … Read more

Concept of heart and stethescope on a table.

How Sleep Affects Your Heart Health

Everyone knows the importance of a good night’s sleep. But many people don’t realize just how important it is. Lack of sleep doesn’t just make you tired – it is debilitating for the entire body. Your sleep doctor in NYC wants you to understand how sleep affects your heart health … Read more

man putting fingers to head

The Hidden Costs of a Lack of Sleep

The boundaries between work and home continue to blur. One result is the lack of sleep. Writing meeting plans at midnight and checking emails at 7 am can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. Light from electronics close to bedtime can disturb the circadian rhythm. Then there’s the constant stimulation, … Read more

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