young girl with her soul waking up and body still asleep

What is Sleep Paralysis?

Sleep paralysis, a daunting sleep disorder, has always been prevalent. Have you heard of the term Parasomnia? Parasomnia means all abnormal or unusual things that can happen to a person when they sleep. With that said, not everyone recognizes sleep paralysis as a Parasomnia in their life. For those who … Read more

woman stretching

What Causes People to be a Morning Person or Night Owl?

Do you tend to be more acclimated to the evening or morning hours? Studies show there could be several factors that would cause each of us to prefer different times of the day depending on our daily activities, and even our body chemistry! While your friends can be more prone … Read more

woman getting up from bed

Understanding the Stages of Sleep

Curling up in your bed after a long day of work is one of the greatest feelings in the world, but for many, nighttime is synonymous with restlessness and irritation. According to the Sleep Health Foundation, around 33% of people suffer from mild to severe insomnia. Scientists have spent a … Read more

stressed out woman

The Effect of Sleep Disorders on Day to Day Life

Sleep disorders come in many different shapes, forms, and symptoms. But the signs that your day is being interrupted from lack of sleep are unmistakable. If you are dealing with insomnia, sleep apnea, asthma, or other sleep-disruptive conditions, you might feel it taking a toll on your life. As each … Read more

woman huddled up in bed

How to Tell if You Have a Sleep Disorder

Are you having trouble sleeping on a regular basis? Do you toss and turn, unable to settle down to get some rest? Everybody has restless nights occasionally, but if it’s getting to the point where your life feels disrupted, you may have a sleep disorder. If you are looking for … Read more

woman in blue pjs waking up

Sleep and Obesity

You might not think these two conditions are linked but recent research has found that a lack of sleep is linked to obesity. A study published in the American Journal of Human Biology examined how lack of sleep impacted appetite regulation, impaired glucose metabolism and increased blood pressure. The study … Read more

sleeping woman with phone on bed

What Causes Narcolepsy?

Although it is often portrayed in the media as being a humorous ailment, narcolepsy is actually a serious condition that should not go untreated. For its sufferers, it can cause a variety of issues and may be triggered by several factors. Most patients begin with a genetic predisposition which puts … Read more

woman on stomach laying down

Is It Possible to Lose Weight While Sleeping?

There’s a rumor going around that you can drop pounds all while catching up on Zzzsss. The verdict? Proper rest can help you avoid excess weight gain and, over time, lose weight while sleeping. If you’re hoping to truly shed off those pounds, however, sleep might not be the answer, … Read more

What Makes a Heavy Sleeper?

Are you a light sleeper who gets up several times during the night, or a heavy sleeper who can’t understand why your weary partner complains about the neighbor’s barking dogs or your snoring? Even if you sleep alone, being a light or heavy sleeper can wreak havoc in your day-to-day … Read more

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