man with santa hat sleeping

Why You Sleep Worse on Vacation

After a full day of traveling by road, rail, or air all you want to do is enjoy a blissful night’s sleep in a comfortable bed. Depending on how long your day has been, you may pass out the second your head hits the pillow. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean you’re … Read more

woman on couch relaxing

How Breathing Techniques Can Help You Sleep

It is recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night. With a busy lifestyle, family, career, and other external factors, there are a wide variety of reasons you may not be getting the recommended dose of sleep. If you aren’t able to get adequate … Read more

woman underneath white blanket

Why Insomnia Is Worse in Winter

Winters can be long, cold, and inconvenient. Animals like to hide from the season by hibernating or staying below ground. People, on the other hand, feel more restless. It can be hard to figure out why insomnia is worse in winter for a lot of folks. Here’s what your insomnia … Read more

young girl sleeping

How Do Blankets Affect Your Sleep?

How do blankets affect your sleep? On a cold winter’s night, there is no better feeling than climbing into bed and wrapping yourself up in cozy blankets. Blankets are a source of comfort for many people, but they also serve an important biological function by helping us to maintain our … Read more

winter themed bed

What Makes Winter Sleep Different?

Sleep is an important part of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It is recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night. Not only is the amount of sleep you get important, but the quality of sleep is as well. People often report getting … Read more

white man in bed looking at phone

Worst Habits for Sleep

Do you have trouble getting to sleep at night? Are there distractions and thoughts that make you lie awake, tossing and turning? Or do you wake up feeling sore, groggy, and unrested? This might be because of the worst habits for sleep keeping your body from being able to fully … Read more

woman can't sleep

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring is one of the most grating habits a person can have. It disturbs the snorer’s sleep, as well as their partner’s, leaving both parties feeling unrested and understandably crabby. Fortunately, we actually know quite a bit about what causes snoring. What Causes Snoring? This information, provided by decades of … Read more

woman and alarm clock

Do Genetics Affect Sleep?

Sleep is necessary and vital for so many daily functions. But do genetics affect sleep? Quality sleep can help you with feeling more alert during the day, your energy levels, and just feeling rested and ready for the day. However, poor quality sleep or insomnia can cause issues with mental … Read more

woman sleeping in white pjs

Impact of Pollution on Sleep Health

There are so many things that can affect the way you sleep. An uncomfortable mattress, hot temperatures, and physical aches can all put a damper on your sleeping schedule. But did you know that pollution has a huge impact on sleep health as well? We go into the details of … Read more

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