sleep apnea cpap mask

Where to Get a Sleep Apnea Machine

Sleep apnea is a chronic condition where the airway becomes blocked while you sleep. There are different types of sleep apnea, and many different causes, but they all involve a lack of airflow while you sleep. Undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea cases will obviously lead to more serious conditions. It … Read more

man sleeping

How to Stop Snoring

Have you been suffering from snoring complications when you sleep? Any amount of snoring that interrupts your sleep or your partner’s sleep can cause health problems and make your daily life more difficult. Because your body uses sleep as a method to rest, recover and rejuvenate for the next day, … Read more

woman sleeping

What is the Right Amount of Time for a Nap?

Getting enough sleep is just as important to your overall health as making good dietary choices. People who routinely don’t get enough sleep can suffer from heart failure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, depression, and ADHD.  Getting enough sleep is just as important to your overall health as … Read more

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