Stressed man experiencing sleep paralysis.

Can Stress Cause Sleep Paralysis?

Have you ever felt the sensation of being awake, but you are unable to move? This might happen right as you are falling asleep or waking up. You might also feel pressure on your chest or like someone is pinning you down. This is known as sleep paralysis, and it … Read more

woman stressed

How Working Too Much Impairs Sleep

Sleep is an integral component to your overall well-being. It is recommended that adults get at least seven to nine hours of sleep each night. This can be difficult with the stressors that come with daily life, including work stress. Working too much can definitely impact your sleep which can … Read more

Can red light help you sleep at night?

Can Red Light Help You Sleep at Night?

At this point, we all know that exposure to blue light can interfere with our sleeping patterns. We use blue light filters on our phones and wear blue light glasses while working on the computer. However, the average person doesn’t really think about how other wavelengths of light affect their … Read more

man sleeping

Best Kind of Music to Fall Asleep to

  Do you find it difficult to fall asleep at night? Do you frequently wake up during the night? Are you always irritable and tired? You’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Sleep, about 30% of adults have symptoms of insomnia. Although the above symptoms do not necessarily … Read more

man in bed waking up

Planning a Healthy Sleep Schedule for the New Year

Every year, we get excited about starting fresh. Resolutions on eating healthier, losing weight, being more productive and quitting bad habits – these have all made it to our list of things to do. As we fill our schedules with activities and commitments, sleep takes a backseat. Subsisting on a … Read more

man with sleep apnea machine on face

Sleep Apnea Risks & Factors

Sleep apnea is a very serious yet common condition that many suffer from, yet it also remains undiagnosed and untreated in many adults. Experts estimate the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea to be approximately 4% to 9% in middle-aged adults. And yes, the risk factors that cause sleep apnea can … Read more

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