Concept image for woman having sleep paralysis

Myths About Sleep Paralysis

One of the worst feelings is being awake in bed but unable to move your body or even make a sound. This could happen when you fall asleep or wake up. It might feel like someone is pressing down on you or pressure on your chest. This condition is called … Read more

Worker sleeping showing how work can affect your sleep

How Work Can Affect Your Sleep

It is important to get enough sleep every night. But it’s not about how many hours you sleep each night. Quality of sleep is just as important. You can have bad habits or work hours that affect your sleep. Our sleep specialist in New York City finds it important for … Read more

Trucker with sleep issues in his truck

Common Sleep Issues for Truckers

Although it might seem like a great job, driving on the open roads for hours can be physically exhausting. Truck drivers must drive late into the night, and they rarely stop for 8 hours of sleep. Driving with less than normal sleep can cause a lot of physical problems. Your … Read more

Man having trouble sleeping because he works one of the worst jobs for sleep

Worst Jobs for Your Sleep

Getting a lot of sleep every night is important, but it’s not just about the number of hours you sleep each night – it’s about your quality of sleep as well. There are so many things in life that can affect our everyday sleep habits, from bad smoking habits to … Read more

Man lying in bed with hormones that interfere with sleep.

Can Hormones Interfere with Sleep?

Getting enough quality sleep can be difficult. Between everyday stressors, increased screen time, and the demands of professional and family life many people struggle to go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Do you regularly get less than eight hours of sleep or experience frequent insomnia? You’re probably all too … Read more

Concept image representing woman who starts a dream while napping.

Can You Dream While Napping?

Taking a quick nap might seem like the perfect way to recharge a bit of energy in the middle of an exhausting day. But depending on the time of day and the length of time you spend napping, your body could be faced with different results. This is because there … Read more

Flyer lying down and trying to adjust for jet lag.

How to Adjust for Jet Lag

Have you ever been on a flight that lasted several hours? When you travel between time zones at a rapid pace, your body needs a lot of time to adjust. The biggest effect that flying can have on your body is jet lag. This will make you feel tired, exhausted, … Read more

Man at a desk worrying about the dangers of narcolepsy

Dangers of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder. Individuals with narcolepsy are unable to properly regulate their circadian rhythm. This means that they may feel extremely tired during the middle of the day. In moderate to extreme cases, they may even fall asleep with little to no warning. As a result, those with … Read more

Stressed man experiencing sleep paralysis.

Can Stress Cause Sleep Paralysis?

Have you ever felt the sensation of being awake, but you are unable to move? This might happen right as you are falling asleep or waking up. You might also feel pressure on your chest or like someone is pinning you down. This is known as sleep paralysis, and it … Read more

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