sleepy piggy bank on its side representing trying to make up sleep debt concept

Can You Make Up Sleep Debt?

Feeling sluggish and irritable? Multiple days feeling unmotivated, run down, and maybe even some physical illness? The cause behind your less than yourself demeanor might not be what you think. In fact, it might be that you have inquired about sleep debt, and making up sleep debt can be an … Read more

Featured image for How Does Sleep Affect Memory

How Does Sleep Affect Memory?

Sleep plays an integral role in almost every bodily function. From boosting the repair of damaged cells to allowing for the regulation of hormones, the amount and quality of sleep you get is the bedrock of your well-being. This is most clearly represented in the way that sleep influences cognition, … Read more

concept for sleep hygiene tips for new parents

Sleep Hygiene Tips for New Parents

Sleep is an integral part of your physical and mental health. Adults need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Having a new baby can impact your sleep. You may not get the quality or quantity of sleep you need each night. This can impact your daily … Read more

woman sitting in bed

Have a Healthy Quarantine Sleep Schedule

The changes of 2020 have truly turned everything upside down. Between social distancing, working from home, and even children partaking in online school, this year has been a test in adapting to unlikely circumstances. While everything may be up in the air for a while, the one thing you can … Read more

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