Have a Healthy Quarantine Sleep Schedule

The changes of 2020 have truly turned everything upside down. Between social distancing, working from home, and even children partaking in online school, this year has been a test in adapting to unlikely circumstances. While everything may be up in the air for a while, the one thing you can take control of is your sleep schedule. Getting restful and consistent sleep is vital for your mental health and your overall health, especially now. Below you will find some of the best tips for a healthy quarantine sleep schedule.

How to Have a Healthy Quarantine Sleep Schedule

Maintaining a healthy quarantine sleep schedule can take some discipline and dedication. However, it is far from impossible. Visiting the best center for sleep disorder treatment New York has around can be the first step.

Set a Bed Time:

Having a bedtime and nighttime routine can really help alert your body to relax and get ready to rest. Depending on how you like to get ready for bed, start your routine about an hour before you actually need to be in bed. It’s also helpful to get in bed about an hour before you would like to be asleep. The best way to begin this habit is by setting timers for when you need to get ready for bed and when you need to be in bed. This gives you ample time to get yourself into bed and asleep so you can get a full eight hours of rest.

Nighttime Relaxation:

Many people carry the stress of the day in their mind and body. Focusing on relaxing both can help your quality of sleep greatly. If you shower at night, make it more relaxing by lighting some candles or a diffuser and turning on some relaxing sounds. Use lavender lotion on your body after the shower and slowly finish any nighttime tasks after you shower before bed. Because your body will already be relaxed, you can do some light stretching or reflexology to really settle into bed.


Research has proven that technological devices can negatively impact your sleep, so you have to unplug before bed. One hour before bed, put all of your technology away and turn off your screens. Try reading or meditating before bed instead of looking at your screen.

Sleep Assistance:

If you struggle with falling asleep or adapting to going to bed without your phone, try a meditation app. You can download free apps or even listen to waterfalls before bed to get into a relaxed state. It’s worth trying, as research has shown that there are major benefits to using meditation for relaxation and reducing stress.

Herbal Supplements:

For those who really struggle with sleep, there are over the counter herbal supplements that promote relaxation and sleep. While these are most often harmless, you may want to check with your doctor before you try anything in case it would interact with any current medications you are on.

Insomnia Treatment Manhattan

Because this year has been especially difficult, it is understandable if you are struggling with sleep. The stress of the pandemic, financial issues, or even struggling to manage working from home is difficult. While we are all in this year together, it’s important to understand when your sleep is affecting your daily life. If you have tried the suggestions above and are still struggling to get enough quality sleep, contact a sleep specialist. They can help you understand what the issue is and provide you with short- or long-term treatment options to ensure you are getting enough rest.

Sleep Disorder Treatment New York

If you are struggling with sleep, contact Sleep Doctor MD for support and solutions to getting a good night’s rest. Dr. Mayan Shukla is a sleep doctor with over fifteen years of experience working with patients who have struggled with sleep. Dr. Shukla is focused on getting his patients back to their full potential and getting a good night’s rest. If you are experiencing issues with sleep, schedule an appointment with Dr. Shukla and his team!

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