How to Wake Up Without an Alarm

While most of us can’t imagine waking up without the help of an alarm, there really is a way to train your body to wake up without such a noisy jolt in the morning. Understanding your circadian rhythm and then adapting your sleep to that rhythm can help you not only wake up without an alarm but sleep more soundly and improve your overall health in the process.

To get in touch with Dr. Shukla and learn about your options for snoring and insomnia treatment in New York, schedule a consultation today.

Get Ready

The first step is to understand your circadian rhythm and figure out what your sleep pattern is. Our rhythm follows a 24-hour cycle and not only determines when we sleep but also influences our hormone production, temperature and when we get hungry. If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, it’s most likely because your rhythm has been disrupted in some way.

It helps to keep a diary of your sleep patterns. For two to three weeks, keep track of what time you go to sleep and what time you wake up. For most of us, as the week gets busier, we go to sleep later but still must get up at the same time every day. This also can disrupt your circadian rhythm. The key is to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Ideally, we should be getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.

Most of us look forward to sleeping a little later on the weekends but if you are trying to set up a pattern and wake without an alarm, this should be avoided. You can practice waking up without an alarm on the weekends to see how you do but you should only try this once you have established a consistent pattern of getting to bed and waking up at the same time each day.

Create the Right Environment

Creating the right environment is a crucial step in training yourself to wake up without an alarm and in getting the right amount of sleep each night. Try switching to a softer alarm clock, one that isn’t so jarring when it wakes you up. Try an alarm clock that uses natural sounds like birds chirping or rain falling to wake you up. And don’t use your phone as an alarm, rather use a real alarm clock.

You also want to create a peaceful and cool sleep environment. If you have trouble turning your mind off at night, try meditation or playing soft and relaxing music before you go to sleep. No matter the season or temperature outside, keep a cool sleeping environment. Experts advise that the ideal temperature for a good night’s sleep is between 60 and 67 degrees.

Diet and Exercise

Maintaining a healthy diet is also a good idea as you train yourself to wake up without an alarm clock. Avoid foods high in sugar, fat and processed grains and eat lean proteins, vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Avoid caffeine later in the day and watch out for it to be lurking in foods or drinks where you might not expect it. Make a point to spend some time outside every day and maintain an exercise schedule of 30 to 40 minutes per day.

Snoring and Insomnia Treatment in New York

If you struggle with falling asleep and find yourself waking up frequently in the night, you might suffer from a more serious sleep disorder. If you think you might have a more serious sleep issue or you are just looking for snoring and insomnia treatment in New York, contact Dr. Shukla at Sleep MD NYC for a consultation. Don’t let poor sleep habits or a more serious health issue keep you from getting the rest you need.

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