Man sleeping with smart watch and best sleep apps

What are the Best Apps to Track Your Sleep Habits?

Sleep is a vital part of our overall well-being. Not getting enough sleep can seriously affect your day-to-day life, causing you to be depressed, irritable, and unfocused. Receiving a restful night’s sleep isn’t exactly the easiest task for everyone. In fact, with the amount of stress Americans tend to carry … Read more

reflection of man in side view car mirror

You Know You are Sleep Deprived if You Experience These Things

Whether you are a parent, have a busy schedule, or just struggle with falling asleep in general, you are not alone. More than one-third of Americans are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. Medical professionals recommend that adults between the ages of eighteen and sixty sleep at least … Read more

young woman on bed with headache

Can Sleeping Help Fend Off A Cold?

When you start to come down with a cold, one of the first things people will tell you is to “Get some rest”, and “Go straight to bed”. Why is that? Does sleeping actually fend off some of the symptoms of a cold, or is that just an urban myth? … Read more

young person sleeping

Is Sleeping Too Much Bad for You?

Any Internet search will land you plenty of articles and scientific journals about the necessities and benefits of a good night’s sleep. It’s universally understood that a full night of rest can be one of the best solutions for a multitude of problems, including fatigue, weakness, frustration, illness, stress, and … Read more

man putting fingers to head

The Hidden Costs of a Lack of Sleep

The boundaries between work and home continue to blur. One result is the lack of sleep. Writing meeting plans at midnight and checking emails at 7 am can wreak havoc on your sleep cycle. Light from electronics close to bedtime can disturb the circadian rhythm. Then there’s the constant stimulation, … Read more

woman on gym treadmill

Working Out Before Bed: Healthy or a Nightmare?

There’s nothing like getting a good workout to expend the rest of the day’s energy before a night of restful sleep. It can help to tire you out, making you feel like you’re completely ready for rest. Many adults like to engage in exercise before going to sleep. But…is this … Read more

insomniatic man laying on grey pillow

Is Stress Keeping You Up at Night?

Do you spend your nights lying awake and unable to get a night of restful sleep? You are not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of Americans are not getting enough regular sleep. It is also estimated at 35% of US adults are … Read more

sleeping husband with annoyed wife

Why Do Some People Talk in Their Sleep?

Have you ever had anyone tell you that you talk or whisper in your sleep? Perhaps it was at a sleepover when you were a child. Perhaps it has carried over into your adult life with yourself, your spouse, or your own child. When we talk in our sleep, we … Read more

man looking out window

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Depression?

If you have been suffering from a severe form of sleep deprivation known as sleep apnea, you may be wondering about how sleep disorder symptoms are affecting your overall health, and even specifically your mental health. Sleep is vital to the way our bodies function on a day to day … Read more

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