man in bed waking up

Planning a Healthy Sleep Schedule for the New Year

Every year, we get excited about starting fresh. Resolutions on eating healthier, losing weight, being more productive and quitting bad habits – these have all made it to our list of things to do. As we fill our schedules with activities and commitments, sleep takes a backseat. Subsisting on a … Read more

girl smiling in bed

Best Ways to Put Your Kids to Bed Easily

All parents have a keen understanding of the challenges that come with putting your kids to bed. Doing so easily might seem like a dream to those who struggle with getting children in bed and keeping them there. Although it may often feel like an uphill battle, ensuring your kids … Read more

black woman trying to sleep

How to Teach Yourself to Wake up Easier and Earlier

Some mornings are better than others. One morning, you rise early, just before your alarm clock goes off, feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Other mornings, you drag your stiff body into the bathroom to get ready, wishing you could push the snooze button just 5 more … Read more

woman sleeping

What is the Right Amount of Time for a Nap?

Getting enough sleep is just as important to your overall health as making good dietary choices. People who routinely don’t get enough sleep can suffer from heart failure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, depression, and ADHD.  Getting enough sleep is just as important to your overall health as … Read more

woman trying to sleep

Change Your Sleep Habits the Right Way

Sleep plays an important part of your life. While sometimes associated with being lazy or unproductive, it is important that each and every single person is getting enough sleep each day. Sleep serves as the body’s natural process for resting, healing, and repairing cells. While most people can think that … Read more

woman with insomnia

Is It Possible to be Too Stressed to Sleep?

Sleep is a necessary part of our daily lives, allowing the body to naturally repair and heal itself from all that we put it through every day. However, with more and more people overworked, taking less and less vacation days, and facing the numerous challenges that come with day-to-day life, … Read more

woman smiling

Benefits of Napping

Sleep is a vital part of our health.  It’s when the body rests, replenishes, repairs and renews itself to take on all the things that we put it through each and every day.  Stop to think about all of the things that the body has to endure to get through … Read more

woman laying down

Getting a Better Night’s Sleep with Your Senses

If you are having trouble sleeping, then your room may not be set up the right way. Your bedroom should be considered a sanctuary for sleep. If you are not viewing it that way, there are a few fixes that can help. By dialing into each of your 5 senses, … Read more

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