Featured image for How Do You Reset Your Circadian Rhythm

How Do You Reset Your Circadian Rhythm?

If you have been having problems with your sleep pattern—that is, struggling to stay awake during the day or having trouble falling asleep at night—your circadian rhythm is likely out of sync. Your circadian rhythm is your body’s internal clock that regulates sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, digestion, and other essential … Read more

Featured image for How Does an Airway Stimulator Help Sleep Apnea

How Does an Airway Stimulator Help Sleep Apnea?

Living with sleep apnea can present a nightly challenge, with effects that linger into the day. From fatigue to headaches, the symptoms can make it more difficult to complete what would otherwise be simple tasks. Using an Inspire upper airway stimulator can provide notable improvements. Below, we cover how an … Read more

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What Type of Doctor Treats Narcolepsy?

Narcolepsy can be very disruptive to an individual’s daily life, but there are treatments available that can minimize its impact on your life. To successfully treat narcolepsy, you will need to seek the services of an expert in the subject. This leads many to wonder: what type of doctor treats … Read more

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Can Birth Control Cause Insomnia?

Sleep is an integral part of one’s overall health. Poor quality or not enough sleep can impact your daily life in many ways. In fact, it is directly linked to both physical and mental health, so adults should get at least 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. … Read more

Featured image for Can Melatonin Help Sleep Apnea

Can Melatonin Help Sleep Apnea

Dealing with sleep apnea can prove a daily challenge. Though it manifests at night, patients can feel the effects during the day due to decreased sleep quality. Many patients will happily try any method to escape the condition. One such idea floating around the internet is melatonin. So, can melatonin … Read more

Featured image for How to Sleep Train Twins in the Same Room

How to Sleep Train Twins in the Same Room

Even children without pediatric sleep disorders may prove troublesome at bedtime. Nevertheless, taking the time to ensure your children receive adequate sleep will help in their cognitive and physical development. With twins, you face double the task. Below, we explore how to sleep train twins in the same room.   … Read more

Featured image for How to Clean a Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

How to Clean a Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

Choosing to start sleep apnea treatment can be one of the most empowering decisions you will ever make. If you have obstructive sleep apnea, a snore guard can alleviate some of the main symptoms. Namely, you will snore less. But you need to know how to clean a sleep apnea … Read more

sleepy piggy bank on its side representing trying to make up sleep debt concept

Can You Make Up Sleep Debt?

Feeling sluggish and irritable? Multiple days feeling unmotivated, run down, and maybe even some physical illness? The cause behind your less than yourself demeanor might not be what you think. In fact, it might be that you have inquired about sleep debt, and making up sleep debt can be an … Read more

Featured image for Is Insufficient Sleep Fatal?

Is Insufficient Sleep Fatal?

Sleep is one of the central pillars of maintaining well-being and health. Nearly all animals need regular sleep to keep their essential systems functioning. On the same token, consistently receiving low or no amounts of sleep can be absolutely disastrous for one’s health. Specifically, many people wonder if insufficient sleep … Read more

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