Illustration of man snoring and sleeping in bed

Does Snoring Make You Feel Tired?

Snoring is a common form of sleep disruption. For most people, snoring is a transient experience that doesn’t have a noticeable impact on their rest. However, there are exceptions. So, does snoring make you feel tired? Does Snoring Make You Feel Tired? If you snore loudly on a nightly basis, … Read more

woman with stress finding it hard to sleep

Why Does Stress Make it Hard to Sleep?

Human biology is a part of stress. It allows us to quickly react and act in dangerous or challenging situations. Too much stress can lead to sleep disruptions and poor health. But why does stress make it hard to sleep, exactly? Why Does Stress Make it Hard to Sleep? Sleep … Read more

Man suffering from narcolepsy

Common Myths About Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that affects 1 out of every 2,000 Americans. Although it is possible for narcolepsy type 1 to cause sudden falls, it is estimated that only 10% of people with narcolepsy have these episodes. Let’s look at some common myths about narcolepsy. Common Myths About Narcolepsy … Read more

Woman suffering from sleep deprivation at her desk

6 Signs You Are Suffering From Sleep Deprivation

The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep every night. But there are a lot of environmental factors that can determine each individual’s required sleep schedule. Even if you don’t think you are suffering from a lack of sleep, your body might be trying to tell you … Read more

Trucker with sleep issues in his truck

Common Sleep Issues for Truckers

Although it might seem like a great job, driving on the open roads for hours can be physically exhausting. Truck drivers must drive late into the night, and they rarely stop for 8 hours of sleep. Driving with less than normal sleep can cause a lot of physical problems. Your … Read more

Concept image of kid sleeping for how much sleep do kids need

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

Kids need a lot of sleep. Their brains and bodies are growing so much each and every day. It makes sense that they would need the rest. Unfortunately, there isn’t a hard and fast rule to tell you how much your child should be sleeping. The amount will vary depending … Read more

Woman wondering if husband's snoring will go away on its own

Can Snoring Go Away On Its Own?

Everyone knows what snoring sounds like. Even if you don’t snore yourself, you may sleep next to someone who does. While you have probably exercised a lot of patience with your loved ones as they sleep loudly, you can’t help but wonder: Can snoring go away on its own? In … Read more

Man having trouble sleeping because he works one of the worst jobs for sleep

Worst Jobs for Your Sleep

Getting a lot of sleep every night is important, but it’s not just about the number of hours you sleep each night – it’s about your quality of sleep as well. There are so many things in life that can affect our everyday sleep habits, from bad smoking habits to … Read more

woman hugging her pillow which may be ruining her sleep

Is Your Pillow Ruining Your Sleep?

Quality sleep is the great white whale of modern America. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 33% of adults in the United States don’t get the recommended amount of sleep on a daily basis. If we were to factor in sleep quality, we could reasonably expect to … Read more

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