Why Avoid TV Before Bed?

Everyone has a routine that helps them wind down before bed. Those who are having trouble relaxing might look for ways to distract themselves so they can feel tired and ready for sleep. Watching TV, browsing Instagram, and playing phone games are all common things that people do in an attempt to shut down their minds. But this can actually do a lot more harm to your sleep schedule than good. So why avoid TV before bed?

Why Avoid TV Before Bed?

Why avoid TV before bed? What is it about bright screens that keep the mind active? It turns out that these comfortable activities may not be good for your body if you are trying to get some rest. Our sleep expert in New York talks about the health risks of being glued to the screen before bed.

Circadian Rhythm Interruption

Watching TV late at night can mess up your body’s internal clock. Exposure to the human-made lighting that comes from your screen will affect your body’s ability to start shutting down when it is supposed to. You will end up staying up later in the night because your brain is more active, causing you to be unable to sleep when you really want to.

Not to mention, your body’s lack of a proper sleep pattern can cause you to feel fatigued during the day. You might find that your cognitive abilities are lowered, and it will be harder and harder to focus at work. Over time, these problems might be so severe that you cannot perform well at your job or in school, causing some major obstacles in your life.

Unnoticed Stimulation

You might find that the soothing sounds of talking on the television help you feel relaxed so you can fall asleep. But your brain will keep listening to those sounds even as you drift into unconsciousness. Any media that comes from your screen is bound to be filled with sounds and other forms of stimulation that will keep your brain and senses active for hours.

In order to give your body the true break that it needs, you should shut down all of your devices and turn off glowing screens at least 30 minutes before bed. You need to allow your body, brain, and nervous system time to shut down so you can properly get to sleep. Without this cooldown time, your body can’t get into its proper circadian rhythms.

Hormonal Imbalance

Your body is filled with different hormones that regulate the way you feel, act, and sleep. When it’s daytime, there are certain hormones that are more active. They let our bodies know that it is time to be up and active during the day. When night comes, these hormones rest, and others emerge to get us ready for sleep.

Sitting in front of a bright screen can trick the body into thinking that there is still daylight outside. So the wrong hormones will show up. You might have too much of one hormone and not enough of another that is causing an imbalance in your ability to sleep. This is one of the biggest contributors to insomnia and other common sleep disorders.

Get Your Sleep Schedule Back on Track Today!

Sleep deprivation is often a result of watching TV late at night or staring at the phone screen before bed. Do you feel that you lack agency over your sleep schedule? Do you want to learn more about getting your restfulness back on track? Then get in touch with our sleep specialists today. We can assist you in getting the best diagnosis and sleep disorder treatment in NYC and beyond. Reach out to our experts today and schedule a one-on-one consultation with our doctors.

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