Why Does Snoring Get Worse with Age?

Almost everyone knows someone who snores, in fact, many of the readers of this article may snore themselves (and some might not even be aware of it). Snoring is an incredibly common issue, but some may have noticed that it tends to become worse as one ages. Why does snoring get worse with age?

Why Does Snoring Get Worse with Age?

There are many reasons that this might occur. Snoring itself can be a product of many different physiological processes in the body. Most of the time, snoring is simply an annoyance and not indicative of deeper health problems. However, sometimes it can be symptomatic of more serious concerns, such as heart disease. In this case, one should seek out snoring treatment.

Snoring Basics

In some ways, snoring needs no introduction. It most often displays itself as a rumbling or rattling sound that occurs in tandem with someone’s breath while they are asleep. Snoring can be attributed to an obstruction in one’s airways in most cases.

Snoring is an incredibly common issue, and it could be said that most people will snore at some point in their lifetime. However, more intensive snoring can be indicative of more serious health problems like sleep apnea.

In addition, loud snoring has the potential to interfere with one’s sleep and the sleep of their loved ones. This can additionally interfere with one’s health as time goes on.

Symptoms of Snoring

The symptoms of snoring are varied and diverse. There are many different ways that they can present themselves. Below are some of the common ones:

  • Whistling
  • Grumbling
  • Low vibrations
  • Snortling
  • Rumbling
  • Tossing and turning

In addition, snoring can present some other issues in one’s waking life. Some of these include issues like the following:

  • Feeling tired or fatigued throughout the day
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Feeling moody or irritable
  • Waking up with a dry throat

Why Does Snoring Get Worse With Age?

The primary reason that snoring gets worse with age is because one’s muscles become less firm, and their tone decreases with time. This causes the airways in the respiratory system to constrict and shrink.

This is why you often see people who don’t snore at a young age developing this problem more severely as time goes on. As the physiology of the body changes, the chances are that someone’s experience with snoring is going to become more severe.

There are other lifestyle habits and elements that can increase the frequency and severity of snoring in an individual. Some of the following are to be taken into consideration:

  • Anatomy: Big tonsils, large adenoids, or a well-sized tongue are all elements of physiology that can impact the severity of snoring in an individual. A deviated septum can also block the flow of air.
  • Family History: Snoring tends to run in families, so if you have an immediate ancestor who suffers from this problem, then there’s a strong chance that you will develop this problem as well.
  • Weight: Individuals who are overweight can also suffer from more severe snoring. Sometimes, individuals who are able to lose excess weight will find that they’re able to reduce the severity of their snoring.
  • Alcohol Use: Excessive alcohol use can lead to more intense snoring problems as time goes on. In addition, the use of sedative drugs can interfere with one’s breathing, which subsequently can lead to the development of more severe snoring issues down the line.

Treating and Preventing Snoring

Your physician may only recommend that you attempt to resolve your snoring issue if it is especially severe. This is partially because mild snoring isn’t considered to be a medical emergency of a serious sort.

That being said, if your snoring is severe enough, you may find that your physician recommends that you attempt to resolve it before it begins to interfere with your daily existence. Some of the following treatments are available:

  • Nasal strips
  • Oral appliances
  • Medications
  • Lifestyle adjustments

The above treatments are all non-surgical treatments. There are also surgical options available, should your physician deem it necessary for your particular case.

  • Ablation therapy – this is a radiofrequency energy treatment that shrinks excess tissue in the soft palate and tongue.
  • Septoplasty – This is recommended in the case that a patient has a deviated septum.
  • Tonsillectomy – In this procedure, a surgeon removes excess tissue from the back of one’s throat or from the back of one’s nose.
  • Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty – This procedure reduces tissue in your soft palate and improves airflow.

New York’s Top Sleep Doctor

Sleep MD NYC is one of New York’s most trusted institutions for treating sleep-related issues and disturbances. If you or a loved one are suffering from problems related to snoring, then contact our Center for Sleep Health today in order to set up an appointment to resolve this annoyance.

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