Why Do People Have Nightmares?

Millions of people suffer from chronic sleep issues. In fact, one in three adults does not get the recommended amount of sleep they need. Adults should get at least 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. The consequences of poor sleep can be severe and affect both physical and mental health, so it is important to understand the cause of sleep issues and correct them. One of the primary causes of poor sleep is nightmares. Though nightmares are often associated with children, they can occur in people of any age or background, which begs the question: why do people have nightmares?


Why Do People Have Nightmares?

At face value, nightmares are scary dreams. They can dramatically disrupt one’s sleep and cause fear, anxiety, and even physical responses. Often, these include sweating, thrashing, sleep-talking or walking, and waking up in a complete panic. Even after waking from nightmares, they have continued adverse effects on individuals. The most common of these is that returning to sleep can be incredibly difficult after having a nightmare because of lingering fear or adrenaline. Below, you will find the common causes of nightmares.



High stress or anxiety are common causes of nightmares. Stress causes your brain to remain active during sleep. This activity leads to vivid dreams that are often associated with what you are currently worrying about. Managing stress and anxiety can be difficult, so it is important to consult with a sleep doctor in Manhattan if you have persistent nightmares.


Substance Use

Alcohol consumption and the use of recreational drugs can impact the quality of your sleep. Alcohol disrupts your REM cycle, the time when most dreaming occurs. Recreational drug use also impacts your sleep cycle, which can lead to nightmares. Withdrawal from these substances can also cause vivid dreams or nightmares. Focusing on living a balanced and healthy lifestyle is vital when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep.


Sleep Deprivation

Untreated sleep issues can lead to sleep deprivation. More than a few nights of bad rest can really have an impact on your health. Those who have not had good sleep spend more time in the REM cycle. The REM cycle is when most dreams occur. It is also possible to have terrible nightmares, making your current sleep issues worse. Chronic sleep issues require intervention from a sleep doctor. 


Sleep Disorders

Certain sleep disorders can cause nightmares. Restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, and narcolepsy are known to impact your sleep cycles. Often, sleep disorders are associated with sleep paralysis, which is characterized by a loss of muscle control right after you fall asleep or just before you wake up. It often involves hallucinations or the feeling of suffocating. Sleep paralysis can be a terrifying condition, so those who have it would likely benefit from sleep paralysis treatment. Consult with a medical professional if you are struggling with your sleep for more than two weeks.


Certain Medications

Some medications impact your sleep quality and can cause nightmares. The medications that cause this affect the neurotransmitters in your brain, which ultimately leads to a higher likelihood of nightmares when you sleep. Common medications that cause nightmares include antidepressants and blood pressure medications. Consult with your primary care provider if your medication impacts your sleep. Alternative treatments may be available so you can get a good night’s rest every night.


Sleep Doctor in Manhattan

Good sleep can have a positive impact on your health. Alternatively, poor quality sleep or not getting enough sleep can have serious consequences. If you have struggled to get restful sleep, it is time to schedule an appointment with a sleep professional. They can diagnose your sleep issue and provide you with a customized treatment plan. The team at Sleep MD is skilled in a variety of treatments that can get you feeling like yourself again. Contact the team today to schedule an appointment! 


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