What is the Best Sleeping Temperature?


Getting a good night’s rest is vital for your overall physical health and mental well-being. Researchers suggest that it is just as important as eating right and exercising. Benefits include improved concentration, productivity, and immune function. However, people who do not get the best sleep are at a higher risk for type 2 diabetes, depression, and weight gain. While several factors can impact your natural sleep patterns, one of the most common is the temperature of the room you are sleeping in. Research even shows that the temperature of the room where you sleep is one of the most important factors in achieving quality sleep. The best sleeping temperature cannot be too hot, but it also can’t be too cold. Your body needs the right temperature for a good night’s sleep.

The Science Behind Sleep Temperatures

For adults, the best sleeping temperature is between 60- and 67-degrees Fahrenheit. When you are in bed trying to fall asleep, your body temperature decreases to try and initiate sleep. Having your room between 60- and 67-degrees Fahrenheit can help with this. A cool room is much more effective at helping you fall asleep and stay asleep. For babies and toddlers, the thermostat should be around 65 to 70 degrees. For this age group, maintain a consistent temperature and keep their crib away from windows and don’t use fans.

Sleep specialists suggest that you think of your room as a cave to promote optimal sleep. This means that it should be quiet, cool, and dark. If you sleep at higher temperatures than what’s suggested, you can impact your sleep quality. A study of 765,000 individuals revealed that most people experience abnormal sleeping patterns during the summer, as it is hotter and more difficult to keep where you sleep consistently cool at night.

Additional Steps for Restful Sleep

While temperature is vitally important for a good night’s sleep, there are several other steps you can take to ensure you get a healthy amount of quality sleep.

  • Sleep Routine: Establish a sleep routine each night before you go to bed. It should be something relaxing like reading, taking a shower, or meditation. Begin your sleep routine an hour before bed (and go to bed at the same time each night) so you can give your body time to relax.
  • Power Down: Put down electronics at least an hour before bedtime. This means television, cell phones, and iPads.
    Restrict Caffeine: Depending on when you go to sleep, cut out caffeine at least six to eight hours before bedtime. Caffeine can remain in your system for hours, which can impact your ability to fall asleep and get a good night’s rest.
  • Bedding: Change your bedding as the season’s change. Use lighter bedding in the summer months and heavier bedding in the winter. This can help promote optimal temperature both in your bedroom and in your bed. There are blankets that specifically help with those who sleep very hot and need help cooling down.

If you have adjusted your thermostat and tried the additional steps for restful sleep but are still struggling, it’s time to see a sleep specialist. A sleep specialist can help diagnose any sleep conditions you may have and provide you with steps to sleep better.

Sleep Specialist in New York City

If you are struggling with sleep, contact Sleep Doctor MD for support and solutions to getting a good night’s rest. Dr. Mayank Shukla is a sleep doctor with over fifteen years of experience working with patients who have struggled with sleep. Dr. Shukla is focused on getting his patients back to their full potential and getting a good night’s rest. If you are experiencing issues with sleep, schedule an appointment with Dr. Shukla and his team!

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