What Causes Snoring During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy comes with a number of new and unique experiences. One of the more common things pregnant women experience is snoring. Pregnancy brings about various physiological changes that can cause snoring. Snoring during pregnancy can be problematic as it can impact sleep quality. You may wonder, what causes snoring during pregnancy? Below you will find helpful information on the causes of snoring during pregnancy and how to address the issue.

What Causes Snoring During Pregnancy?

Snoring is a common sleep issue. This is especially true during pregnancy. There are a number of causes of snoring during pregnancy. Consider some of the common causes of snoring during pregnancy.

Hormonal Changes

Pregnancy comes with a number of hormonal changes. This includes estrogen and progesterone. Hormonal changes can increase nasal fluid and impact your breathing. Nasal congestion caused by hormonal changes can result in snoring. This is especially common for women during the later stages of pregnancy.

Weight Gain

Excess weight is associated with snoring. This is because the extra fat tissue around the throat can compress your airway. Weight gain can also cause swelling in your airway. This leaves less space for air to smoothly pass through which results in snoring. Pregnancy inevitably comes with weight gain. Because of this, pregnant women experience snoring more often. While weight gain is normal during pregnancy, contact a sleep specialist if your sleep is disrupted by pregnancy-related snoring.

Blood Flow

Pregnancy causes an increase in the amount of blood in your body. In fact, the amount of blood in your body can increase by 45%. This is necessary to support the growth and development of the fetus. The increase in blood flow can reduce the space in your nasal passage. This increases congestion and makes it much more difficult to breathe. This can result in breathing difficulties and snoring.

Sleep Loss

Pregnancy comes with a number of changes that can impact your sleep. Persistent sleep deprivation leads to the relaxation of your throat muscles. This causes them to collapse and vibrate when you breathe. Ultimately, this results in snoring. Adequate sleep is necessary during pregnancy. You should get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Work with a sleep specialist if you have had persistent sleep issues during your pregnancy.


Smoking during pregnancy is dangerous and unhealthy for both you and your baby. And smoking during pregnancy can contribute to snoring. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes irritate and inflame the throat and airways. This leads to swelling, inflammation, and narrowing of the nasal passages. This constriction can disrupt the normal flow of air when you breathe. Smoking can even further exacerbate your breathing when you sleep as it increases your risk of developing respiratory infections and congestion. This can increase snoring during pregnancy even more.

Professional Snoring Treatment

Pregnancy brings about various changes, including increased blood volume, hormonal fluctuations, and weight gain. These factors contribute to snoring. This can get worse as you move further into your pregnancy. This is because your uterus continues to expand and put pressure on your diaphragm and airways. This leads to the narrowing of your passages and further disrupts airflow when you sleep.

If you are pregnant and experiencing sleep issues, contact a sleep specialist. While your partner will let you know if you are snoring, there are symptoms associated with the issue. Common symptoms include dry mouth, a sore throat, fatigue, concentration issues, memory issues, mood changes, and interrupted breathing during sleeping. The team at Sleep MD is skilled in professional snoring treatment to help you get a good night’s rest. Contact their team today to schedule an appointment!

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