What Are the Long-Term Effects of Insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or cause you to wake up early and not be able to go back to sleep. This can cause issues throughout the day as your energy levels are likely lower, and your ability to focus has diminished. While each person varies in terms of how much sleep they need, the quality of sleep is important. Most adults need between seven to nine hours each night. The problem with insomnia is that it can have long-term effects if left untreated. Below you will find some of the long-term effects of insomnia and how each can impact your overall health. 

Immune System

Issues with your sleep can weaken your immune system. This can lead to you getting sick more often and for longer durations if it’s not taken care of. Maintaining a healthy, balanced schedule and sleeping well are both vital for your overall health.


Sleep deprivation can make you more emotional and moodier. Continuous sleep issues can affect your mental health and eventually lead to anxiety or depression. In extreme cases, lack of sleep can lead to several psychiatric disturbances, including paranoia and hallucinations.


If you do not get enough quality sleep, the chemicals that signal to your brain that you are full become off-balanced. Due to this, you’re more likely to overeat or make unhealthy food choices. Keep healthy options at home and avoid eating out or turning to unhealthy foods when you are tired. Sugary sodas, energy drinks, candy, and carbohydrates can all contribute to making the problem worse


For those who do not get enough sleep, their sex drive can become an issue. This can cause problems with intimacy and your romantic relationship. Having healthy and consistent moments of intimacy with your partner is important for your health.


Sleep is necessary for your skin to repair damaged cells. For those who struggle with sleep, it can upset your hormones and elevate estrogen levels. This can lead to premature wrinkles, fine lines, and enlarged pores. If you do not address the sleep issue, skin issues will likely occur and result in premature aging.


If you do not get enough good quality sleep at night, you will likely notice a lack of motivation during the day. Lethargy and tiredness can zap your energy and make it difficult to complete your regular daily activities and goals. If you are busy and have a lot to get done, sleep issues can completely eviscerate your plans.

When to See a Professional

Life can get really busy with family, friends, work, and other life commitments. If you have had issues with your sleep and always feel fatigued, it’s likely time to talk to a professional. Below are some of the common symptoms of insomnia.

  • Issues with falling asleep at night
  • Waking up throughout the night
  • Waking up very early
  • Not feeling well-rested after you’ve slept
  • Irritability, depression, or anxiety
  • Issues with memory or focus
  • Clumsiness or an increase in accidents
  • Feeling tired during the day

If you feel any of these symptoms for more than two weeks and are concerned you may be having issues with your sleep, it’s time to make an appointment with a sleep specialist.

Sleep Doctor MD in New York City

If you are struggling with sleep and experience some or all of the insomnia symptoms above, contact Sleep Doctor MD for support and solutions to getting a good night’s rest. Dr. Mayank Shukla is a sleep doctor with over fifteen years of experience working with patients who have struggled with sleep. Dr. Shukla has worked with adults and children with various sleep issues to find a solution that works for their lifestyle. Dr. Shukla focuses on getting his patients back to their full potential and getting a good night’s rest. Contact his office today for an appointment!

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