The image shows a man snoring at night to explain the age snoring will often begin.

At What Age Does Snoring Begin?

Snoring needs no introduction, as almost everyone is familiar with this phenomenon at some level. A bad snorer can interrupt regular, healthy sleep cycles for themselves and the individuals they share a bed with, resulting in a deprivation of the quality of life for all parties. Given that snoring involves aspects … Read more

concept image of man as smokers who snore more

Do Smokers Snore More?

Snoring is a common phenomenon. It is estimated that roughly 33% of men and 19% of women snore on a regular basis. Unfortunately, if you smoke or are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke you are more likely to experience snoring. So, do smokers snore more than non-smokers? Do Smokers Snore … Read more

sleeping couple

What Makes Snoring Worse?

Everyone snores at some point in their lives. It may only happen when you have a head cold or after a night out with friends, but about one-quarter of the adult population snores regularly. Even if it doesn’t wake you, your snoring will prevent you from achieving restful sleep. If … Read more

woman can't sleep

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring is one of the most grating habits a person can have. It disturbs the snorer’s sleep, as well as their partner’s, leaving both parties feeling unrested and understandably crabby. Fortunately, we actually know quite a bit about what causes snoring. What Causes Snoring? This information, provided by decades of … Read more

Man sleeping on side help prevent snoring

Will Sleeping on your Side Prevent Snoring?

As with most medical questions, the answer here is complicated. A New York Times article discussing a sleep study reported that 54% of participants were positional snorers, indicating that they only snored while laying on their backs. However, that still leaves a full 46% who also snored while sleeping in … Read more

Why Do People Snore and How Serious is it?

Some snoring causes and their effects are relatively harmless and can easily be treated by simple things such as changing your sleeping posture or moderating your alcohol consumption. However, snoring can also be the cause of a more serious health issue, that left untreated, could become fatal. One such example … Read more

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