Signs You Have a Sleeping Disorder

If you are like most American adults in this day and age, you are having trouble getting to sleep. Perhaps you aren’t getting enough sleep because you have racing thoughts that keep you up all night. Maybe you wake up several times throughout the night, and that keeps you from feeling fully rested. There are many symptoms and signs you have a sleeping disorder, and it is important to visit your sleep doctor in Manhattan as soon as you notice them in your everyday life.

Signs You Have a Sleeping Disorder

Below we put together some signs you have a sleeping disorder.

Regular Snoring

While nobody is perfectly quiet while they sleep, constant snoring is far from normal. If you are a loud sleeper, you might be dealing with OSA – obstructive sleep apnea. This is a sleeping disorder that makes your throat close temporarily while you sleep. This cuts off your breath in short spurts, making you struggle to breathe. This all happens while you are asleep, so you may not notice it happening. While over 12 million Americans suffer from OSA, it is not safe to go untreated. You should seek a professional right away so you can get your breathing back on track.

Daytime Sleepiness

There is a sleeping disorder known as EDS that describes excessive daytime sleepiness. If you are always tired throughout the day and it is impeding your ability to focus at work and at home, you should see a doctor about your issues. It is possible that there is an underlying sleeping disorder that is preventing your body from getting much-needed rest. In a lot of cases, EDS is an underlying symptom of narcolepsy and more serious sleeping disorders.

You Can’t Get to Sleep

Unfortunately, the most common sleeping disorder around the world is insomnia, which is characterized by the inability to fall asleep at night. No matter what you try to do, you always seem to be restless. If it takes you forever to fall asleep or you keep waking up a lot throughout the night, it’s possible that you suffer from insomnia. High stress, asthma, and physical pain can lead to symptoms of insomnia; these might be the underlying issues causing you to struggle with this sleeping disorder.

You Sleep Too Much

You might not have any trouble getting to sleep, but waking up could be a different story altogether. If you sleep more than the recommended 7-9 hours each night, you might be struggling with narcolepsy. Secondary narcolepsy is much harder to notice, but it can have detrimental effects on your health over long periods of time. If you sleep more than 10 hours on most nights, you should consult a sleep specialist.

Your Legs Hurt at Night

Do you have trouble getting to sleep because you have pains or aches in your legs? Many adults deal with restless leg syndrome (RLS), which could be keeping you from getting comfortable. The aches in your legs cause you to move them constantly in order to relieve the pain and keep them warm. This disorder is typically linked to neurological issues and may require specialized treatment from your doctor. Be sure to consult with your sleep specialist and your primary care physician to find the best solution for your restless legs.

Get Your Sleep Schedule Back On Track!

You need a good night’s sleep, and it’s time to say goodbye to these symptoms that are keeping you from feeling fully rested. If you notice that your sleepiness is getting in the way of you being able to complete your daily routine, it’s time to consult with a specialist. At Sleep MD, our sleep doctor in Brooklyn can provide more information about sleep disorders and treatment options. Get in touch with us today and put your sleep schedule back on the right track!

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