Signs and Causes of Sleep Deprivation

An average adult requires between 7 and 9 hours sleep each night. There are many factors that influence the amount of sleep each person needs. Outside factors, including work and general stress, can drastically impact the health of your sleeping schedule. That is why the area’s most trusted sleep doctor in New York City meets with each patient individually to assess their sleep health on a regular basis. Watch out for these signs and causes of sleep deprivation.

Signs and Causes of Sleep Deprivation

You may be suffering from sleep deprivation if you feel stressed at work, school, or in general. These are all big signs that you might be sleep deprived. Continue reading to learn about the most common signs and causes of sleep deprivation that you might be dealing with right now.

You Aren’t Yourself

Healthy people practice healthy behaviors. You could have major sleep deprivation if you aren’t feeling happy or irritable all day. You may feel depressed, lonely, or annoyed at yourself. Do not wait for things to get worse. Get help from your sleep doctor today.

You’re Too Stressed Out

You may be irritable and cause irritation to others. Recent research has shown that insufficient sleep can lead to social inabilities. A tired person is less likely to be able to read the expressions on their faces. It is possible that you start fighting or get into arguments without good reasons. It could be that your body isn’t getting enough sleep, which can cause you to struggle to find empathy.

You’re Not Motivated

It is likely that you will find it difficult to concentrate on daily tasks if your brain is constantly tired. You just don’t have the energy to keep your brain motivated for long periods of time, especially if it isn’t. It is possible that you are choosing to do smaller tasks for immediate rewards, rather than focusing on larger projects that will bring long-term rewards.

You Can’t Remember Anything

Your brain and mind can end up seriously affected by sleep deprivation. Also, your brain won’t find yourself able to hold on to the information you have for too long, so you will likely lose some of your memories. Your memory might be less sharp or you may forget details about an event that occurred just a few days ago. These symptoms can prove a sign of poor sleep quality and should all end up checked by a qualified sleep physician immediately.

You Make Impulsive Decisions

People with sleep-deprivation run the risk to act impulsively, making rash decisions, and engaging in activities they may not have considered. It can prove difficult to stop this behavior once it has begun. Impulsivity can cause you to send a message, or have a conversation that you later regret. This cycle can lead to you regretting your actions and ruining your life.

You’re Easily Upset

Your brain won’t retain any new information if you are angry or frustrated. Your brain is unable to distinguish between important information and irrelevant information. You can become more focused on the negative and this can lead to anxiety and depression. You should see your doctor if you feel stressed out and your family members notice that you seem to stay upset all the time.

Fix Your Sleep Schedule ASAP!

If you aren’t sleeping well, you won’t be able to continue your current schedule much longer while expecting to stay healthy. It’s time to make a change now for the betterment of your entire well-being. If you are looking to get to the bottom of what’s causing your fatigue so you can rest better at night, visit your New York sleep deprivation doctor today. You can contact us online or give us a call to be matched with a personalized treatment plan that can help you finally feel renewed and full of energy again.

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