Risk Factors for Sleep Apnea in Children

Kids are just as prone to sleep troubles as adults, which is why it is important to be aware of the biggest risk factors for sleep apnea in children. Identifying potential symptoms of sleep apnea early can help you and your child seek medical treatment before things get worse. A visit to your local NYC sleep specialist will make it clear whether or not your young loved one is struggling with this type of diagnosis. Below, we will discuss the symptoms, underlying risks, and available treatment options for sleep apnea in children.

Risk Factors for Sleep Apnea in Children

About Sleep Apnea

If you haven’t heard of sleep apnea before, don’t worry. Sleep MD NYC is the perfect place for you and your child to learn more about this interesting sleep disease. Obstructive sleep apnea, sometimes called OSA, is a condition that occurs whenever breathing is interrupted during sleep. For some reason, something is blocking the airways, causing a temporary pause in the flow of oxygen to the brain. This might result in your child gasping for air or they may even stop breathing for a few seconds.

Sleep apnea can be dangerous when left untreated, leading to a number of risks. If you notice that your kid is breathing abnormally during sleep, it is time to take them to see their local sleep specialist.

Causes and Risk Factors

Sleep apnea can be easy to diagnose, or it can be very difficult. This is because there are many different causes of sleep apnea that may be hard to identify. In kids, one surefire sign of sleep struggles is the size of their tonsils. Enlarged or growing tonsils may indicate breathing problems as they continue to develop, while large adenoids can make it too easy for breathing airways to close overnight.

Other causes and risks for sleep apnea in children include preexisting health conditions dealing with the respiratory system. Thyroid issues, craniofacial syndromes, and an overall weakened immune system can all lead to the development of sleep apnea.

What Are the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea in Children?

While the causes and risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea can be difficult to identify, the symptoms of this condition are a lot more straightforward. Your child can experience these symptoms while asleep or while awake, so it is imperative that you keep a close eye on their behaviors.

Common symptoms of OSA in kids include:

  • Consistent headaches or headaches when waking up
  • Tossing and turning most of the night while trying to sleep
  • Hyperactivity while awake
  • Behavioral issues that could stunt social growth
  • Difficulty focusing in school
  • Having trouble learning new topics in school
  • Mouth breathing instead of nose breathing
  • Bed wetting
  • Consistent nightmares or sleepwalking

If your child is displaying even one of the above symptoms, take them to see Dr. Mayank Shukla right away. Your loved one will need a thorough assessment to determine the right diagnosis, as some of these symptoms can be linked to additional sleep conditions as well. Sleep apnea can be treated, and those with sleep apnea go on to live full and healthy lives. It is nothing to be afraid of as long as you act fast and get the proper treatment right away.

Treat Your Child’s Sleep Apnea the Right Way Today

If your child wakes up with headaches or is complaining about being tired throughout the day, this might be a sign that something is wrong. Any breathing or sleeping issues should be brought to the attention of your local sleep specialist as soon as possible. We can devise an individual sleep apnea treatment plan for your child, giving them the tools and medications they will need to stay healthy for the long haul. Get in touch with us today to learn more.

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