Is Snoring Normal in Children?

The short answer is: it can be. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “many if not most children snore on occasion, and about 10% or more snore on most nights.” If you want to find out more about your child’s snoring, visit your snoring specialist in New York.

What Causes all that Noise?

Snoring is the noise that the throat makes during sleep when a child (or adult) inhales, and there is blockage of air in the back of the mouth. As the air passage opens and closes, it causes a vibration of the tissues in the throat.

The intensity of the sound depends on:

1. How much air is passing through
2. How fast the throat tissue is vibrating

Can Snoring in Children Ever be a Warning Sign?

PRIMARY SNORING is snoring that is not associated with more serious problems like sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS,) frequent arousal from sleep, or the lungs’ inability to take in sufficient oxygen.

If snoring in an otherwise healthy child is LOUD and REGULAR, it can be a sign something is wrong, such as:

  • Respiratory infection
  • Stuffy nose or allergy
  • Sleep apnea (OSAS)

Consult your snoring specialist in New York to help determine what type of snoring your child is experiencing.

About Sleep Apnea (OSAS)

About 1-10% of children suffer from sleep apnea (OSAS) symptoms. “The majority of these children have mild symptoms and may outgrow the condition.” It is still important to seek treatment from your sleep specialist in New York for every child who exhibits sleep apnea symptoms.
Sleep apnea is a condition where the child’s airways are narrowed or constricted during sleep, so sufficient air cannot pass through. This creates pauses in breathing that can a few seconds up to a minute.

This results in

  • Loud and regular snoring
  • Pauses, gasps, snorts, and actual stopping of breathing, which wakes the child and disrupts their sleep
  • Restless sleep in abnormal positions with the head turned in unusual positions
  • Heavy sweating during sleep

During the day, children with sleep apnea may

  • Have behavioral and social problems
  • Have headaches, especially in the morning
  • Be irritable, aggressive, and cranky
  • Fall asleep or daydream often
  • Speak in a nasal voice
  • Breathe regularly through the mouth

Contributing factors to sleep apnea

  • Obesity
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • GERD, or Gastrointestinal Reflux Disorder
  • Abnormalities in the structure of the face or jaw
  • Other medical or neurological conditions

In children, the most widespread problem associated with sleep apnea is large tonsils. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, sleep apnea is a major reason 263,000 children have tonsillectomies every year.

What to do if you Suspect your Child Has Sleep Apnea

If you think your child may have sleep apnea, talk to your snoring specialist in New York. He or she may recommend an overnight sleep study to investigate further. To determine a diagnosis, a sleep study records a child’s:

• Sleep
• Brainwaves
• Body movements
• Heartbeat
• Breathing
• Arousals
• Noises

Your snoring specialist in New York has special training in sleep medicine and can help determine if your child has primary snoring, sleep apnea, or another problem. After diagnosis, he or she can offer you the most appropriate treatment.

Sleep Specialist in New York

Sleep MD NYC is your snoring specialist in New York. Sleep MD’s own Dr. Mayank Shukla is New York City’s premier pediatric and adult sleep doctor. He is highly sought after, especially concerning his treatment of sleep disorders. Contact Dr. Shukla at Sleep MD NYC Today!

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