Is Snoring a Sign of Something Serious?

Almost everyone is familiar with snoring, whether they do it themselves or know someone who keeps them up with it. Most of the time, snoring is simply considered an annoyance, but sometimes, it can be indicative of more serious medical issues at play. Is snoring a sign of something serious?

In this case, it’s important to keep track of your symptoms and issues and address them with snoring treatment in order to prevent them from developing and exacerbating further. Doing so can save you some trouble down the line.

Is Snoring a Sign of Something Serious?

If you or a loved one snore, take a look at this guide that can help you identify if your own snoring indicates a more serious medical issue.

Summing Up Snoring

Somehow, snoring doesn’t require an explanation. When someone is asleep, it usually manifests as a rattling or rumbling sound that happens in time with their breathing. Most of the time, snoring can be attributed to an obstruction in the airways.

It’s safe to say that most people will snore at some point in their lives because it’s such a frequent problem. More severe health issues like sleep apnea, however, may be indicated by more frequent and severe snoring.

Furthermore, snoring too loudly might disrupt one’s own sleep as well as the sleep of those next to them. Over time, this may also cause problems with one’s health.

The Symptoms of Snoring

There is a wide range of symptoms associated with snoring. They can display themselves in a multitude of symptoms. Here are a few of the typical ones:

  • Whistling
  • Groaning
  • Snorting
  • Rumbling
  • Tossing and turning
  • Low vibrations

Furthermore, snoring may be accompanied by other problems during the day. Among these are problems such as the following:

  • Moodiness or irritability
  • Dry throat upon awakening
  • Exhaustion all day long
  • Headaches
  • Experiencing weariness
  • Trouble concentrating

Sleep Apnea

One of the primary medical conditions that should be taken seriously is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that can have serious health consequences if it goes untreated. There are several different types of sleep apnea, which are outlined below:

Central sleep apnea: This occurs when the brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles that control one’s breathing.
Treatment-emergent sleep apnea: This type of sleep apnea is also known as complex sleep apnea.
Obstructive sleep apnea: This is a more common form of sleep apnea that occurs when the throat muscles relax and block the flow of air into one’s lungs.

Snoring will more often than not be an indicator of obstructive sleep apnea. However, you should consult with your physician to ensure you have the clearest picture possible about what type of sleep apnea you might be developing.

That being said, snoring is not necessarily an indicator that you’re developing sleep apnea, and not everyone with sleep apnea will snore noticeably. It’s up to your doctor to determine whether or not your snoring has a connection with developing sleep apnea.

Treating Snoring

If your snoring is particularly bad, your doctor could advise you to try to have it fixed. This is partly because insignificant snoring isn’t regarded as a serious medical emergency.

Having said that, if your snoring is bad enough, your doctor might advise you to try to get rid of it before it starts to affect your everyday life. There are a few of the following therapies available:

  • Oral appliances
  • Medications
  • Changes to lifestyle

Nasal strips

All of the aforementioned treatments don’t involve surgery. If your doctor thinks surgery is required in your specific circumstance, there are other possibilities.

  • Tonsillectomy: During this operation, extra tissue is cut from the back of the nose or throat by the surgeon.
  • Septoplasty: If a patient has a deviated septum, this procedure is advised.
  • Laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty: This operation enhances airflow by reducing tissue in the soft palate.
  • Ablation therapy: This uses radiofrequency energy to reduce the amount of extra tissue in the tongue and soft palate.

The Best Sleep Doctor in New York

Setting up a consultation with your sleep doctor is the best way to determine whether your snoring might indicate a larger issue. This is a necessary step prior to any medical work being performed and can impact the rest of your treatment.

Sleep MD NYC lives to serve the residents of New York City with the best in sleep medicine. If you or a loved one is suffering from excessive snoring and the plausible medical issues that follow it, contact our office today to schedule an appointment and return to health.

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