How to Talk to a Spouse About Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea, also called OSA, is a common sleep disorder that comes with symptoms of snoring and disrupted breathing throughout the night. The longer it goes untreated, the more severe these symptoms can get. Recognizing these symptoms in a spouse or a loved one can make for a difficult conversation ahead; however, it is vital to let your spouse know about their breathing patterns so they can get the help they need right away. Today, a top New York sleep doctor will show you how to talk to a spouse about sleep apnea in a way that is productive and helpful for everyone’s better health.

How to Talk to a Spouse About Sleep Apnea

Take Note of Your Partner’s Sleep Symptoms

You might want to keep track of these sleep behaviors so you can figure out if they are a recurring issue. Not all snoring means that your partner has sleep apnea, but it is still a good idea to monitor everything that is going on so you and your doctor can get the most comprehensive picture of the situation.

Be on the lookout for these symptoms:

  • Headaches in the morning
  • Higher blood pressure than normal
  • Shortness of breath or loss of breath temporarily during sleep
  • Mood swings, depression, or general irritation throughout the day
  • Sweating throughout the night
  • Waking up choking or gasping for air
  • Snoring, typically very loud snoring
  • A decline in libido
  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Constant bad breath throughout the day

The quality of your spouse’s life will continue to decline the longer these symptoms are left without treatment. It is important not to hesitate in having a conversation with them about their possible sleep apnea symptoms.

Sign Them Up for a Sleep Study

Recording your spouse overnight might help them come to terms with the fact that they are indeed snoring and having episodes of interrupted breathing throughout the night. They might want to confirm for themselves, so setting up a recorder next to the bed can be helpful.

Once your spouse is convinced that their symptoms are growing more severe, you can get in touch with a sleep specialist ASAP for immediate treatment. One of the first steps your medical team will take is to conduct a sleep test to confirm and diagnose your spouse’s sleep issues. Sleep studies can be done by spending the night in the doctor’s office where the quality and type of sleep is monitored until the morning.

Don’t Forget to Love and Support Your Spouse

It might be jarring for your loved one to hear that they are having breathing problems. They may or may not be aware of their snoring patterns or their hitched breaths while trying to catch some z’s overnight. No matter the situation, make sure your partner knows that you will get through this together. As long as the symptoms are caught early enough, sleep apnea is not a life-changing diagnosis.

Treatments will likely include the prescription of a C-PAP device, a machine that your spouse will wear over the nose and mouth at night. It helps to keep the breathing pathways open, preventing them from obstruction and ensuring a smooth breathing experience throughout the night.

Learn More About Sleep Apnea Today

At Sleep MD NYC, we offer customized access to expert sleep apnea treatment for anyone struggling to breathe overnight. Even if symptoms seem mild, your partner may be getting worse over time. This can lead to some devastating effects, exacerbating the condition to the point where it can become fatal. Help your partner continue to lead a healthy and long life by setting them up with our personalized sleep apnea services today.

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