How to Recognize the Early Stages of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a well-known condition, but its early causes may be a little less known. Whether or not you or a family member have been diagnosed with a sleep condition in the past, it is important to know how to recognize the early stages of sleep apnea. Sleep concerns can surface at various points in life, influenced by factors such as lifestyle, habits, and overall health. Below we cover how to recognize the early stages of sleep apnea.

How to Recognize the Early Stages of Sleep Apnea

At Sleep MD NYC, we specialize in addressing sleep-related issues, especially including sleep apnea. Today, we are going to cover some of the common signs and symptoms, as well as the early stages, of this condition so you can get personalized sleep apnea treatment right away.

Sleep Apnea as a Condition

First things first: It’s important to understand that sleep apnea is a condition rather than a disease. While it can be present from birth, it usually becomes more noticeable during adulthood. This condition occurs when breathing pauses intermittently throughout the night. This usually occurs due to airway obstructions in the upper mouth or disruptions in brain signals. For a comprehensive understanding of its impact on your health, you need to consult a certified sleep specialist.

Sleep Apnea Causes and Onsets

Trying to identify the exact onset of sleep apnea can be challenging for many patients. Some may have experienced symptoms for an extended period of time without realizing it, while others have just started noticing the decline of their sleep health. Either way, you need to know the potential causes of sleep apnea so you can start identifying whether or not these factors are present in your life:

  • Anatomy: A deviated septum or abnormalities in upper airways can contribute to sleep apnea.
  • Age: Sleep apnea may become more prominent as people get older.
  • Weight Gain: Gaining excess weight, especially around the neck, can lead to airway constriction and other similar symptoms of sleep apnea.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Smoking, alcohol consumption, and sleeping on your back can exacerbate the condition, making symptoms worse as time goes on.
  • Medication and Drug Use: Some medications and substances may contribute to sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a fairly common condition, and most patients show multiple symptoms at once as it gets worse. The best way to find out if you have sleep apnea—or another sleep-related condition: schedule a personal consultation with a top-rated sleep specialist in your area.

Sleep Apnea and Early Stage Signs

Do you often find yourself excessively sleepy during the day or you suffer from disrupted sleep patterns? Then your life may be heavily impacted by sleep apnea. Early recognition is vital to prevent its progression and protect yourself against potential complications later on. Some of the earliest signs might involve snoring, excessive dry mouth, and sudden irritability during the day.

Certain pre-existing health conditions or treatments may trigger sleep apnea. For instance, if you are recovering from a heart attack or a stroke, you might start to experience increased symptoms of sleep apnea. Other blood or heart-related conditions, such as diabetes, may even be connected to obstructive sleep apnea.

Detect Early Sleep Apnea Now

Sleep apnea can manifest in various life stages, whether the symptoms appear during childhood or they do not show up until later in life. Individuals who have experienced weight gain or heart-related issues should remain aware and schedule an appointment right away. The reason: untreated sleep apnea can have serious consequences.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – contact Sleep MD NYC today and ask about getting a personalized sleep apnea treatment. After conducting a series of sleep-related tests, Dr. Mayank Shukla will create an individual treatment plan that will treat your symptoms of sleep apnea right away.

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