Getting a Better Night’s Sleep with Your Senses

If you are having trouble sleeping, then your room may not be set up the right way. Your bedroom should be considered a sanctuary for sleep. If you are not viewing it that way, there are a few fixes that can help. By dialing into each of your 5 senses, you can create a more restful environment, hopefully leading to a better night’s sleep.


There are a few different elements in your room that have to do with this sense. The first is the comfort of your bed. Make sure that you sheets are soft, your pillows are comfortable and your mattress is at your ideal firmness or softness. People also tend to sleep better in a room that is clean and neat, meaning that clutter should be picked up and you should try making your bed every day.

The temperature if your room is another element you can control to promote better sleeping. As we sleep, our body temperature changes. It reaches its lowest level around 5am, and rises slightly as the morning goes on. Make sure your room is a comfortable temperature for you, and sleep with a light sheet or blanket.


Sight is an important sense that helps us sleep better. However, if this sense isn’t considered, it can prevent restful sleep. Your body has two powerful cues that tell you when to be awake and when to sleep: light and darkness. Because of these two guides, it’s important that your room be completely dark while sleeping. Make sure no light can get in when you close your door, and invest in some good blinds or drapes to help you stay asleep when the early morning sunlight hits your bedroom.


It’s no secret that hearing loud noises can wake you up or prevent you from falling asleep. As you begin to drift off and while you are sleeping, your brain still pays attention to the noises in your environment, so it’s important to create a quiet environment while sleeping.

If a quiet environment is not possible, you can try listening to white noise while you are falling asleep. White noise is like mindless, background noise, and will help your brain focus on noise it doesn’t need to pay attention to, instead of the sound of the TV from the next room.


Did you know that your sense of smell can affect your sleep? Certain smells promote restful sleep, like lavender. It’s been shown in studies to decrease heart rate and blood pressure, which can make you feel more relaxed. Researchers also found that when people who sniffed lavender before bed had a more deep, restful sleep than the people who did not. Before bed, try putting a few drops lavender essential oil on your pillow or on your pulse points (wrists, neck, etc.) if you are having trouble sleeping.


What you eat and drink before bed can definitely have an effect on the quality of your sleep. There are certain components in the foods and beverages we consume that can help or hurt our sleeping patterns. For example, an amino acid called tryptophan is present in some of the foods we eat and can be helpful in making you feel drowsy. Have you ever indulged in a post-Thanksgiving nap? It might be because tryptophan can be found in turkey. Other foods contain this amino acid, like eggs, chicken, fish, and nuts.

There are also some foods to stay away from before bed. Obviously, drinking coffee or tea with caffeine is a bad idea. Consuming alcohol also leads to less restful sleep. Additionally, avoid eating a larger meal for dinner, instead opting for something lighter to promote deep sleep.

Sleep MD can help you achieve a better night’s sleep. Our team of expert doctors and dedicated staff can help you get a better night’s sleep with state of the art technologies and therapies. With multiple locations in New York City, Sleep MD can help you with insomnia, snoring, sleep apnea and so much more!

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