Can menopause cause sleep problems?

Despite being a natural phase in a woman’s life, menopause can come with unwanted symptoms. The phase marks the end of the menstrual cycle and can dramatically impact a woman’s daily life. Symptoms include hot flashes, mood swings, and hormonal fluctuations. You may wonder, can menopause cause sleep problems? Below, you will find helpful information about the impact of menopause on sleep, including what you can do about it.

Can menopause cause sleep problems?

Menopause can dramatically impact your sleep. In fact, it can be so significant that it can impact your quality of life. The hormonal shift that occurs during menopause includes a decrease in estrogen and progesterone. This can impact your sleep in a number of ways. Consider the following if you are going through menopause and struggle with sleep.

Night Sweats:

Menopause can cause night sweats in the evening and hot flashes during the day. This can lead to poor sleep, as you may have difficulty falling or staying asleep. Night sweats can also be really uncomfortable as your body’s temperature is high.

Mood Swings:

One of the more difficult aspects of menopause is the mood changes. These can lead to anxiety and depression, both of which can impact your sleep. Waking up in the middle of the night or failing to fall asleep at a decent hour can impact your sleep quality and daily life.

Less Restorative Sleep:

Menopause can impact the way you sleep in a number of ways. For example, it can impact the amount of deep sleep you get. Deep sleep is restorative and helpful when it comes to waking up feeling rested. Without deep sleep, you may experience fatigue and tiredness throughout the day.

Addressing Menopause-Related Sleep Issues

There are a number of helpful strategies to address your sleep issues. Consider the following if you have trouble falling or staying asleep.

  • Sleep Schedule: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule and avoid deviating your sleep and wake time by more than an hour.
  • No Naps: Avoid napping altogether but especially in the late afternoon to evening hours.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Create a sleep routine that you do each night to alert your mind and body that it’s almost time to rest.
  • Avoid Screens: Avoid the television, your phone, and any other screen before bed due to the impact the light can have on your sleep.
  • Stay Cool: Set your thermostat a few degrees lower so you can get more restful sleep in a cold room.
  • Early Dinner: Avoid eating dinner late or snacks right before bed, as this can impact your sleep schedule.
  • No Afternoon Coffee: Avoid caffeine at least five hours before you fall asleep to ensure it is fully out of your system by the time you go to bed.
  • Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol can impact your sleep and make staying asleep even harder if you are experiencing menopause-related sleep issues.
  • Regular Exercise: Exercising every day, not too close to bedtime, can have a positive impact on your sleep.

Insomnia Treatment

If you have struggled with sleep for more than two weeks, contact Sleep MD. Insomnia can impact your life in a variety of ways. It can cause issues at work, school, and with your friends and family. Persistent sleep issues can reduce your quality of life and make everyday tasks very difficult. Insomnia treatment is an effective way to address sleepless nights. Treatment varies depending on the cause and severity of your sleep issues. However, there are a number of treatment options to address your unique needs. The team at Sleep MD have helped countless patients address their insomnia and improve their daily life. Contact the team at Sleep MD today to schedule a consultation!

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