Best Ways to Put Your Kids to Bed Easily

All parents have a keen understanding of the challenges that come with putting your kids to bed. Doing so easily might seem like a dream to those who struggle with getting children in bed and keeping them there. Although it may often feel like an uphill battle, ensuring your kids get enough sleep nightly is worth the undertaking. Sleep deprived children are much more likely to have behavioral issues, lack of focus in school, and be overweight. Thankfully, there are some tried and true tactics for getting your children into bed each night and making certain they get a good night’s rest.

Routine and Consistency

Set up a routine for your children and family. Go to bed and rise at or around the same time each morning and night. Develop a regular nighttime ritual with your children so they know what to expect and thrive on the consistency. Put on your pajamas, brush your teeth together, take a bath, and read a book to your kids to help them develop a sense of enjoyment and security around bedtime. Having a small snack or drink of water may also be included. Keep the routine short, no longer than thirty minutes, and be firm when it’s finally time to get to bed.

Sleep Environment

A large factor of good sleep is creating an environment which is conducive to relaxation, safety, and calm for your children. Ensure your children wear breathable clothing to bed that is appropriate for your given climate. Make sure they sleep in a bed with a supportive mattress, soft sheets and plenty of blankets for warmth, if needed. If you can, keep your home cool enough to allow for comfortable sleep. At bedtime, keep noise and light to a minimum. If your child isn’t comfortable in a completely dark room, consider adding a small nightlight or keep the hall light on with their door slightly open.

Make it Fun

One great way to get your kids on board with bedtime is to make it fun. Engage them in bedtime stories so they look forward to this quality time each night. Routinely, allow them to enjoy small healthy snacks before bed such as graham crackers, fruit, or veggies, if possible. Avoid large meals, especially with older children, as this can impede on their sleep. Allow them a small keepsake, doll, teddy bear, or security blanket which may soothe and comfort them at night.

Monitor Your Results & Addressing Sleep Troubles

When your children are falling asleep within 15 to 20 minutes of laying down in bed, then you know they are getting a proper night’s rest. Other signs that your efforts are paying off include improved mood balance, waking up easily in the morning, and not dozing off in the middle of the day. If sleep issues persist, it may be a sign that your child is dealing with a more serious condition. Signs of more concerning sleep issues include stalling at bedtime, snoring, trouble falling asleep, heavy breathing during sleep, or waking up at night. If you are concerned that your child is dealing with a sleep disorder or condition, schedule a consultation with Sleep MD NYC today.

About Sleep MD NYC: Based in New York City for over 15 years, Dr. Mayank Shukla is a premier pulmonologist and sleep doctor who treats both children and adults alike. Utilizing a unique combined approach, Dr. Shukla implements his extensive knowledge and the most innovative treatments to diagnose and treat each patient’s concerns with accuracy and gentleness.

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