Best Habits to Get into Before Bed

In the United States, 35.3% adults get less than the recommended amount of sleep. While this may not sound like a huge deal to many, subsisting on less than 7 hours of sleep has serious repercussions on health, safety, and productivity. If sleep is so important, why don’t we get enough of it?

Chalk it up to bad habit. Many of us have become used to sleeping for less than seven hours. But the thing is everything that we do before bed has an impact on our mental, physical and emotional preparedness for the following day.

So, if you feel like your energy dips by mid-morning, it’s time to evaluate your old sleeping habits and create good bedtime routines that will make you feel rested and energized. To speak with the top sleep specialist in New York, contact Dr. Shukla today.

1. Have a regular bedtime schedule

It’s tempting to stay up late when there’s a good show on television. But having an erratic sleeping schedule messes up your day. It’s hard to stay productive and calm when you lack sleep.

Make it a point to follow a regular bedtime schedule. Not sure what time you should go to bed? Determine the time that you need to wake up. Count backwards and use this as basis for setting your bedtime schedule.

2. Read a book

Bill Gates reads for about an hour before going to bed, even when he comes home late at night. This non-negotiable habit is part of Gates’ “falling asleep routine”. How does this help?

Reading before bed appears to be a more effective way to reduce stress than other methods (i.e. drinking a cup of tea or going for a way). When you’re not stressed, you are more likely to fall asleep easily. It doesn’t matter what you read, but if you do make reading a part of your nightly routine, be sure to read printed books instead of the ones on Kindle.

3. Unplug

Leaving work in the office can be a challenge, especially when you have the technology at your disposal. Last minute checking of emails can disrupt sleep, as does checking of social media channels for updates.

The blue light that comes out of the screens of cellphones and tablets inhibits the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. The absence of melatonin tells the body to stay awake. This is why you can’t seem to get any shut-eye no matter how tired you feel at night.

As much as possible, remove all electronics in the bedroom to make way for a truly relaxing evening.

4. Plan for the next day

Do you often worry about the things that you need to do tomorrow? If you are constantly anxious about these things, then sleep can be a challenge. Make sure to write down your to-do list an hour or two before bed. This way, you can sleep without worrying about the things that you need to do for the next day.

5. Exercise

People used to believe that exercising before bedtime would keep them awake. But according to the National Sleep Foundation, exercising can actually help improve the quality of sleep. And it doesn’t matter what time you exercise as long as you get some movement.

Good sleeping habits do not come automatically for most people. To avoid the feeling of sluggishness in the morning, try sleeping a bit earlier than you’re used to. This will help you stay productive at work.

Sleep Specialist in New York

Having trouble falling asleep? As the top sleep specialist in New York, Dr. Shukla takes pride in personally seeing to his patients receiving the restful night’s sleep they deserve. Set an appointment today for to find out if your sleeplessness is due to lack of sleep.

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