At What Age Does Insomnia Develop?

Quality sleep is a vital part of your overall well-being. Issues with sleep can cause severe issues with your physical and mental health. Good sleep is determined by both the quality and quantity of sleep. Adults should get between 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Without this, you may experience a number of unwanted symptoms. As you age, your sleep patterns can change, and you may develop insomnia. Read on for information about insomnia and the age at which it typically will develop.


At What Age Does Insomnia Develop?

Insomnia is a common condition that impacts roughly one-third of all adults. Additionally, up to two-thirds of people experience symptoms of insomnia. This includes difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. Mild sleep issues are not a cause for serious concern. Frequently, they subside within a few days as the cause is acute. Things like a big test or family issues can cause sleep disruptions. However, sleep issues that last more than a few weeks are a cause for concern and require insomnia treatment.

Chronic sleep issues can occur for a variety of reasons. Lifestyle, stress levels, family history, and work are all common causes of insomnia. However, age is also a factor. Insomnia can develop at any age as children suffer from the condition. However, the risk of insomnia increases with age. This increased likelihood is because medical conditions are typically more present in older adults, and they may have to take medications for them. These medications, in turn, may impact sleep. Changing sleep patterns in adults may occur naturally or be exacerbated by their mental health and lifestyle habits. 


Sleep Hygiene Tips

Issues with sleep can cause serious issues. It can impact your mental health and physical health and reduce your quality of life. Consider incorporating the following sleep hygiene tips into your nightly routine.


Maintain Your Sleep Schedule

Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day can help regulate your sleep cycles. This consistency should be upheld on both weeknights and weekends. More than one hour of variation going to sleep or waking up can impact your sleep. Focus on going to bed and waking up at the same time. This can make it easier to fall and stay asleep.


Reduce Screen Time

Too much screen time can impact your sleep cycle. It may be challenging to reduce your screen time throughout the day due to work. However, focusing on alternative activities in the evening is key. Shut off your screens at least one hour before you head to bed. This can inform your body that it is time to sleep soon. Focus on reading, listening to calming music, stretching, or yoga as an alternative to scrolling. This can improve your quality of sleep and help you feel rested once you wake up.


Establish A Bedtime Routine

Creating a bedtime routine can trigger your body’s melatonin production. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that helps induce sleep. Find a routine that works for you, as each person is uniquely different. Common sleep routines include a relaxing bath, stretching, or meditation. Some people also find reading relaxing before bed. Create a routine and stick to it for a while to see if it works. Modify it accordingly to meet your sleep needs.


Insomnia Treatment

If you experience sleep issues for more than a few weeks, it is time to contact a sleep doctor in New York. They can diagnose your sleep-related issues and create a treatment plan. A treatment plan based on your unique needs can improve your sleep dramatically. Contact the team at Sleep MD today to schedule an appointment! 

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