Sleep Hygiene Tips for New Parents

Sleep is an integral part of your physical and mental health. Adults need at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Having a new baby can impact your sleep. You may not get the quality or quantity of sleep you need each night. This can impact your daily life and make parenthood that much harder. Being gentle with yourself and your partner in parenting is important. However, it can be extremely difficult. Below, you will find the most helpful sleep hygiene tips for new parents.

Sleep Hygiene Tips for New Parents

Having a new baby around is exciting in so many ways. However, a baby can impact the sleep of both parents. This can make daily life extremely difficult. Every family has different schedules so each tip may not work for you. However, try your best to incorporate the following into your routine to ensure you get enough good sleep each night.

Create a Routine

A consistent bedtime routine for you and your baby is key. Create a bedtime routine and incorporate your baby into it. Begin by winding down a couple of hours before bed. It’s best to turn off screens. Engage in things like reading, deep breathing, or even a bath. This is a signal to your body that it is time to slow down.

Start this routine at the same time every night, including weekends. If you do have to adjust it, be sure not to sleep more than an hour later than you usually do. Once you get into bed after putting your baby to sleep, continue to avoid screens. Try reading a book or meditating to get yourself to sleep. This not only helps you get to sleep faster, but it also helps improve the quality of your sleep.

Prioritize Sleep Over Tasks

Many new parents try to get things done when their baby is asleep. Sleep deprivation negatively impacts your health and can impact the health of your baby. If possible, try to avoid doing this. Sleep or get rest when your newborn sleeps. This can help improve your energy levels when you are awake. This can help with productivity as you will feel more rested when you are awake. If you can’t do this every day, try to get a good 20-minute nap on the days when you had a poor night’s sleep.

If you have a co-parent you live with, consider creating a sleep schedule. An effective schedule includes alternating night duties. This allows you and your partner to get a good night’s rest at least every other night. The person who has the night off can cover the other parent’s nap time during the day. Find a schedule that works for you and your partner to ensure you both get the best sleep possible.

Create a Sleep-Friendly Room

Some parents choose to co-sleep or keep their baby inside their room. However, others choose to keep their baby outside of their bedroom. Whatever you choose is right for your family. No matter what you choose, it is important to create a sleep-friendly environment. Making your room a relaxing and tranquil environment can improve your sleep.

There are several ways to ensure your bedroom is sleep-friendly. Keep your room dark and quiet. Consider blackout curtains if a lot of sunlight comes in early in the morning. Your room should also be cold. The ideal sleep temperature is around 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Consider essential oils, as they can help aid in falling asleep. Lavender and Frankincense are calming scents.

Sleep Doctor in NYC

If you struggle with sleep for more than a few weeks, it’s time to consult with a sleep doctor in NYC. They can diagnose your sleep issues and provide you with an effective treatment plan. Schedule an appointment with the team at Sleep MD NYC today!

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